If you see a guy riding a bike with all kinds of bells, whistles, stuffed animals, gadgets, gizmos, etc. on his bike tooling down the bike path and stopping to sweep up debris, glass, sand, etc., make sure to say 'hi' to him as he is the 'Hi Guy' for those who don't know. I was out on the path today and saw him sweeping sand off the bike path. This is an honorable gentleman who does this out of the kindness of his heart and he deserves a shout of encouragement from all of us. You will see his chalk greetings all over the bike path as he was very busy today.

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I have seen this man and his markings on the LFT often. I have never talked to him. Perhaps I should.
His real name is Tom Matti, and he does live in AH.
Right, thats what I want to know! Is he retired and/or independently wealthy? I want to ride around on my wacked out bike all day and serenade people with little tunes.

pjc jr said:
"Hi Guy" is awesome. I have been riding the LFT for over ten years! And I see him out there all the time. Just this Sunday I saw him twice in two different locations. The second time, he was north of North Ave. beach, shoveling all the sand drifts off the trail. I was with a small gang of riders and we all told him how awesome he was! I think we almost made him cry.
I see him a lot during the day on weekdays, so he must have plenty of money set aside to live on? He's always out there and brightens my day. We should elect him the Ambassador of the LFT!
Ah, so he's the one who draws the smiley faces. Cool. I can't believe I've never seen him.
^How disabled can you be if your running marathons?
Jared said:
^How disabled can you be if your running marathons?

Does he bring that thing on the train or ride the whole way?
he lives in Arlington Heights.
I know him - his name is Tom.

I once saw him at (running) the Madison (WI) Marathon on Memorial Day Saturday, then he did the lakefront marathon (here) the FOLLOWING day; then my buddy Kevin (Madden) and I saw him running
on Michigan Ave. (Running in sandals again) Monday (with those two marathon bib numbers still pinned
to his shorts). He is hard core !

He is great. What an inspiration of originality, self confidence and selflessness.
I saw him this morning riding north on michigan Ave. I yelled and waved and scared some tourist!

FYI - the bike remains parked across from 500 W Madison (AT&T Bldg) when he is not riding around.
btw - that's the Citicorp / METRA building (blue glass beast at Clint, Mad and Can (madison/canal/clint))


jen said:
I saw him this morning riding north on michigan Ave. I yelled and waved and scared some tourist!
He is an awesome guy. When he is down sometimes, he gets really sauced up and incoherent. Its a good thing that he is a happy drunk. Even with some baffled motorists honking at his slow ass pace on the road.
I talked with him briefly yesterday in front of the train station. He was deeply engrossed in his redecoration of his bike when I told him he sure is popular on thechainlink.org. He might be looking into the site sometime soon... I don't know, he seemed to be out there in the cosmic realm. He almost pulled me off my bike with his very firm handshake.


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