If you see a guy riding a bike with all kinds of bells, whistles, stuffed animals, gadgets, gizmos, etc. on his bike tooling down the bike path and stopping to sweep up debris, glass, sand, etc., make sure to say 'hi' to him as he is the 'Hi Guy' for those who don't know. I was out on the path today and saw him sweeping sand off the bike path. This is an honorable gentleman who does this out of the kindness of his heart and he deserves a shout of encouragement from all of us. You will see his chalk greetings all over the bike path as he was very busy today.

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He made an apperance today at Grand and LSD today!!
I saw him about a month ago inside Ogilvie station and chatted with him. He was walking with a noticeable limp and said that he had been trying to remove ice from the lakefront path by Oak St. beach and took a hard fall.
I think I saw his bike locked up at the Shamrock Shuffle this morning. No word on if he was running in sandals.
I used to work downtown and see him often. We would talk sometimes. The world needs crazy people and this guy is crazy.

Juan Dominguez said:
I talked with him briefly yesterday in front of the train station. He was deeply engrossed in his redecoration of his bike when I told him he sure is popular on thechainlink.org. He might be looking into the site sometime soon... I don't know, he seemed to be out there in the cosmic realm. He almost pulled me off my bike with his very firm handshake.
He's definitely out there, but his heart is in the right place.

dav said:
I used to work downtown and see him often. We would talk sometimes. The world needs crazy people and this guy is crazy.

Juan Dominguez said:
I talked with him briefly yesterday in front of the train station. He was deeply engrossed in his redecoration of his bike when I told him he sure is popular on thechainlink.org. He might be looking into the site sometime soon... I don't know, he seemed to be out there in the cosmic realm. He almost pulled me off my bike with his very firm handshake.
thats sad...should we get him a Get Well card or something? We could attach it to his bike. Thats really nice he was out there removing ice.

Anne Alt said:
I saw him about a month ago inside Ogilvie station and chatted with him. He was walking with a noticeable limp and said that he had been trying to remove ice from the lakefront path by Oak St. beach and took a hard fall.
I ran into him downtown a few times last week, he is out riding again and he did actually do the Shamrock Shuffle in just his sandals... truly one very crazy awesome guy.
gave him a hi 5 today....
Spotted today on the LPF at roughly 2:15 PM near Chicago Ave.

He was smiling as usual (although many people smiled at me today since I had a baby trailer with me, albiet no baby).

I was able to ring my bell at him!
Stopped today at Waveland and Lake Shore Path.

I haven't seem him around lately. There are some bumps/seems need pointing out.


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