Any experience riding Lincoln N from North?  I see there is a bike lane, but that doesnt mean it's safe!  I'm avoiding th LFP altogether, so I was going to ride Dearborn to North to Lincoln to Mcormick.  Any input would be appreciated!

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Lincoln is one of my favorite streets to ride on! It's about safe as any other street. Definitely not Ashland or Western.

Bike path might not be clear, though. Last week I rode a little on the path to the Botanical Gardens. Fun, but slow.

Where in Wilmette?  Assuming you are near downtown Wilmette- take your preferred city route to Lincoln.  Take Lincoln to California and make a right.  When you say McCormick I assume you mean the path. That path is not salted so I am not sure if would encounter ice.  California is a better bet and is a good biking street. In Evanston its called Dodge. Keep going until you reach a dead end just north of Emerson (Golf).  That is Simpson street. Go left less than a block to Bridge St. which takes you over the river.  You cross McCormick (which has now curved on a northeast direction) by the Ecology Center. As soon as you cross go left on Payne for a block. Turn right on Hartrey. Hartrey ends at Central.  Now, where in Wilmette do you want to go?  You make your Wilmette decision here.  West Wilmette? go west on Central to Central Park. Make a right on Central Park and it will take you to Wilmette Ave. You can go to points in West Wilmette. East Wilmette near downtown? go left less than a block on Central to Walnut. Make a right on Walnut. That street goes north until it ends at Isabella.  Go up the alley across Isabella (behind Walker Brothers) It will dump you on to Green Bay Road. You can cross Green Bay at a couple of little streets and you will be on Poplar which parallels Green Bay and the Metra.  You can go up by the Panera or wherever your destination may lie.  Evanston is dark. I hope you have a good light.

I'll second Dave's suggestions.  I lived in Evanston and Rogers Park for many years, and these are good routes.

David Barish 13.9 said:

Where in Wilmette?  Assuming you are near downtown Wilmette- take your preferred city route to Lincoln.  Take Lincoln to California and make a right.  When you say McCormick I assume you mean the path. That path is not salted so I am not sure if would encounter ice.  California is a better bet and is a good biking street. In Evanston its called Dodge. Keep going until you reach a dead end just north of Emerson (Golf).  That is Simpson street. Go left less than a block to Bridge St. which takes you over the river.  You cross McCormick (which has now curved on a northeast direction) by the Ecology Center. As soon as you cross go left on Payne for a block. Turn right on Hartrey. Hartrey ends at Central.  Now, where in Wilmette do you want to go?  You make your Wilmette decision here.  West Wilmette? go west on Central to Central Park. Make a right on Central Park and it will take you to Wilmette Ave. You can go to points in West Wilmette. East Wilmette near downtown? go left less than a block on Central to Walnut. Make a right on Walnut. That street goes north until it ends at Isabella.  Go up the alley across Isabella (behind Walker Brothers) It will dump you on to Green Bay Road. You can cross Green Bay at a couple of little streets and you will be on Poplar which parallels Green Bay and the Metra.  You can go up by the Panera or wherever your destination may lie.  Evanston is dark. I hope you have a good light.

Greenwood and 9th, which is close enough to DT Wilmette.  I was talking about the Sculptural Path to McDaniels to Linden.  Good to hear california is worthy, but Dodge is a bit dodgy in Evanston, no? I recall it being just wide enough for 2 cars.  I think I will avoid the path, california looks like a great route!!  I do have a good light, and 2 good rear lights. Once I get to Hartrey I'll just let my mind get me is my old stomping grounds, i'll just try to avoid the cobblestone.

No need to dodge Dodge.  Its a pretty good biking street.  There is a marked lane most, if not, all of the way.  Its a little busy around Dempster but its not a two lanes of cars type road like Ashland is in the city. You should be fine. Happy trails.

Most of Dodge has good (fairly new) pavement.  The neighborhood is a little rougher north of the high school, but it's still very rideable and probably faster than Hartrey.  It's plenty wide - no worries about tight spaces.  Hope you have a nice ride.


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