Know someone with an impressive bike style? Tell us about it!

We are looking for Chicago cyclists that commute/ride with style for an upcoming feature. Send a picture, name and contact information for your nomination to
P.S. Yes, you can nominate yourself. :-)

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Ha! I don't see any pics. How can I judge without examples? ;-)

Snapped this from my car, this person has the best style... wherever they are.

No pic but there's a guy I see in the loop wearing army gear,a Kryptonite chaina helmet with neon spikes on it and possibly blasting early Van Halen. He also might be crazy but if you ride in the loop you're crazy,stupid,smart,or brave.

I regularly ride in heels . . . I even rode my bike to a wedding once.

Pictures? Any photographic evidence you can share?

It is always a crowd pleaser when I ride Bertha my monkey bar bicycle built from scraps around 2002.


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