Jana Kinsman could have been killed in Logan Square area last night by driver and pals thinking they're funny

Basically, some dudes in a purple tahoe grabbed her while she was on her bike and pulled her along next to the car while she was screaming for her life.

Here's her twitter story, storified: http://storify.com/abughat/wtf

If anyone can get info or ideas for further help, please share! Be safe out there, friends.

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oh my gosh.... oh my gosh.

At first I didn't read the "could have" and my stomach sank. 

Whups! Guess I'm a sensational headliner at heart

I'm very very very glad she is okay and it was bruises at worst

Horrible.  There appears to be a security camera attached to an apartment building at that intersection.  Perhaps it recorded the incident.

I hope they find these guys.  Its a lot more than a mere hit and run.....  

WTF indeed. I actually now avoid Kimball and Kedzie from Logan Square to Albany Park in favor of side streets where I can because I've had so many hassles on those main streets. But it could happen anywhere.

Damn thats just senseless. Hope she's ok. They need to catch those morons. Accountability is the only thing that will protect us

This was not a hit and run. This was an assault. I am glad to hear that Jana does not have tremendous physical injuries.

Jana - If you're reading this, I hope that there's at least one witness (or video, like the camera Brendan mentioned) that can help identify the thugs who treated you so horribly. What they did was just plain evil.

If you haven't yet contacted the Crash Support Hotline, you might find it helpful. 

Wishing you good healing and safe travels.

Thanks Anne, I suggested and linked it to her directly on Twitter as well "@reallylikeit" 

+1 on the assault. But I'm sure a hit and run doesn't count against Chicago's violent crime stats, so it's not a case CPD actually has to "solve".

David Barish said:

This was not a hit and run. This was an assault. I am glad to hear that Jana does not have tremendous physical injuries.


Happy to hear she escaped with only the injuries sustained. That is terrifying to think that there are people out there that find this behaviour acceptable. 

No one but the assailants actually know precisely what they were thinking, BTW. On GB:



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