I was fortunate enough to receive a jersey from the museum of Science and Industry for the "Art of the Bicycle exhibit". It is an XL and it will go to the first person that submits the correct answer in the comment section.

Q: Who loaned this bicycle below, to the Art of the bicycle exhibit?

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World Bicycle Relief?

Jock Boyer

Bikes to Rwanda, the nonprofit out of Portland founded by the coffee guy, Duane Sorenson.

Working Bikes

Working Bikes?

Eric Rumpf?


looks like "kc" could be the big winner....

but there was a some hesitation with that punctuation....


.... "lc" showed some real confidence in her entry...

c'mon prez.... show that davidian sense of justice and wisdom....

oh... don't forget the schwinn seats too!... WB all over that groovy room....

Project Rwanda

Tom Ritchey, or "Who is 'Tom Ritchey'?" if we're on Jeopardy. 

Not me.

PM me on how you will deliver the jersey ;)

Paul Rusesabagina or his organization the Paul Rusesabagina Hotel Rwanda Foundation.


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