You come to a stop at a red light and wait. Then another cyclist comes up on your side and, without their feet leaving the pedals, slowly creeps forward into the intersection in anticipation of the green light and then when they are finally about 2 bike lengths into the intersection (hit by cross-traffic territory) the light turns green and we all go.   Is there a word for this?

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I call it everyday bicycling on Milwaukee, Lincoln, Clark, etc.....

Creeper? :-) 

One thing I prefer with this maneuver is the ability to get ahead of cars so that they see you. I don't always creep but when I do, that's usually why unless there are a number of bikes with me (then I go with the pack).

Creeper is a pretty good description.  I'm one of those wait-at-the-light type of riders and what goes through my head is "What are you in a hurry for?".   When I see people do this I'm assuming (perhaps incorrectly) they are in some sort of rush.

With  eyes  and mind  open this is  called anticipatory.

With eyes and mind closed this  is called  suicidal.

You mean, is there a word/expression for this compulsive need to criticize and derisively nickname fellow cyclists' behavior that we don't approve of??

Awww, I basically called myself a creeper (not trying to stereotype so much as give the action a word). I don't think it's all bad because as I said, I do it so that I am more visible.

I believe you misinterpreted my tone. I didn't say it was a criticism of cyclists behavior, but something I see other cyclists do.  

Riding a bike.

It's called riding a bike.

Why is everyone here so concerned with how other people ride bikes?

Here are a couple reasons:

How other people ride bikes has a direct impact on how drivers, and even other cyclists, treat and respond to me when I'm riding.

Also, how other people ride bikes directly affects my safety when I'm riding. 

Deep rationalizing doo-doo.

Care to explain?  I'm always up for hearing a rational argument.    

And I'm not interested in another "argument." I've got twin 16 year-old sons.


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