The Illinois Department of Transportation likes big bridges, even on two-lane Chicago streets. The beautiful new Halsted Street bridge features wide sidewalks, bicycle lanes and a bike-friendly concrete surface. But does the new four-lane configuration turn what would otherwise be a very bikeable bridge into a scary ride?:

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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We rode south on Halsted on Saturday morning and there were workers their painting bike icons in the lane.

Dudes, I just took the new painted lane for the first time over the bridge and I found it to be retarded and dangerous (during rush hour at least). People were using the bike lane to pass and I had at least 3 different sport bikes revving their engines behind me and forcing me out of there way in the bike lane. I'm just going to avoid it from now on.

At the end of the bridge a few blocks north there's still a bike lane but it looks like a faded tattoo from some bygone era so the cars just drive in it. Must have run out of paint :-/

Not as bad as Roosevelt!


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