The Chainlink

I rode in to work today, and now I'm thinking I might have to bus it half the way home.  I live about 7 miles from my office which really isn't bad, but man it is hot out there.  I was just wondering if I'm the only one considering wussing out.

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Where's Eddie Murphy's "it's hot" sketch when I need it? Ugh. This is standard Atlanta-in-July weather that I grew up with, but I've been glad to be done with it with all these years in the midwest!

Followed Manny's advice about food and drink, and it was a little better today despite the temperature being higher.  Only one more day; then back to "normal" summer.

for the record, it was over 100 degrees and windy as hell the day i posted this.  there was an air quality advisory. it was worse than it's been so far this year!  i have been riding as normal.

And last year it was 100 degrees on this date--one of a string of 100 degree days.  How quickly we forget.

I saw a guy, middle-aged, wearing a jacket this morning.  I was drenched in sweat and he didn't seem to be affected at all

People are strange.  Sweat in the morning is the main reason I don't ride when it gets hot.

They say that Uggs & Emu Boots are designed to keep your feet warm in the winter & cool in the summer.  I only wear mine during the fall & winter months; not because I give a damn about what other people think but because I'd feel CRAZY walking around Chicagoland in a pair of Eskimo looking boots when it's over 78 degrees outside.  BUT to each his/her own, people can wear whatever they want; as for this practical/logical Midwestern Lady I'm not putting on a pair of boots in 90+ degree weather...  :)~

Serge Lubomudrov said:

People are strange, indeed. I wouldn't be surprised to see someone wearing those ugly UGG things even in this weather.

Tricolor said:

People are strange.  Sweat in the morning is the main reason I don't ride when it gets hot.

We are very fortunate to have showers at work, so I don't mind the sweat - outside of the ewww factor of having those little gnats stick to your face on the lakefront.

I actually had someone ask me about the Millennium Park bike station recently, so I called them up just now and found out that as I feared, the memberships for men are wait listed (47 people, get on that list now and you might get on by fall), but they do still offer day passes for $5.  I'll add that calling is a giant plastic hassle, I went through 3 rounds of choices before finally getting a guy who handles the bike parking/lockers.

I now have a bike parking subscription that has a bathroom so I can change in there, instead of walking into my building all drenched in sweat.

The only reason I didn't bike this morning is because my bike is in the shop for a tune-up and that I'll need to pick it up directly after work.

Oh, and I do carry a quick-dry towel in my bag

I pay $20/month or $170/year for it.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Is this a perk of your building or something that you bought?

J.A.W. said:

I now have a bike parking subscription that has a bathroom so I can change in there, instead of walking into my building all drenched in sweat.

When you get to work, take your water bottle half filled and put it in a freezer if you can. At the end of the day, fill the rest with water... enjoy nice cold water as the ice melts in the bottle.

Yesterday and today have been muuuuugy - I always have to bring a change of clothes for work, but yesterday and today, I had to pack additional bike shorts and shirts... just so I don't have to wear the same sweaty stuff again - and to clean off in the office when I arrive (I shower before I leave home and when I get home), I use Clorox wipes... they do CLEAN the best. I don't care what naysayers say - been doing that for 12 years and I feel squeaky clean.

Stay cool out there, Rachel. 


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