The purpose of Close Calls is to collect data about cyclists’ encounters with inattentive and reckless driving, as well as poorly designed and maintained infrastructure. These close calls, while not physically injurious, contribute to perceptions that Chicago’s streets are not safe or comfortable for cycling, which in turn compromises efforts to get more people on bikes. They also indicate behavior and conditions that might result in injuries – or fatalities – in the future. This data will help identify “hot spots” that need attention–whether through targeted enforcement, education or roadway modifications.
This site is operated by Gin Kilgore and Steven Vance (@stevevance). All entries are moderated and sometimes edited. Although our form requires you to submit your name and email, we cannot validate them.
Since it's a pretty manual process right now, please spread out your submissions (don't submit them all at once if you have several to report in a day).
I'm seeking/developing a better process. Those who are technologically inclined and willing to help should contact me off-list.