Thank god someone is thinking about the shortage of suburban style restaurants in the city.

And the lucky neighborhood is:

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Former farm kid, former city dweller, current suburban dweller, future boonies dweller chiming in.


Thanks for jumping in for my suburban friends.  They probably are.
h' 1.0 said:

Maybe they are disgusted by your smug superiorty.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Well, I guess we are all pretentious in some ways.  As in my suburban friends who cannot imagine why I would live in the "urban jungle" and who continually extol the virtues of the bucolic lifestyle.  If they were on the Chainlink, they would be calling me out right now!
globalguy said:

And do they enjoy hearing pretentious city dwellers snicker about where suburban women live or work?

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Yes!  There are many women in the suburbs who want to ride bikes and came all the way to UIC to talk about it.
Jennifer on the lake said:

The Chainlink welcomes our suburban sisters who attended Women Bike Chicago!

Oak Park and Evanston are pretty short on strip malls and parking lots...

So are some of the other near suburbs, and they are very bikable as well.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

The suburbs? Ugh, go back to your parking lots and strip malls.

globalguy said:

And do they enjoy hearing pretentious city dwellers snicker about where suburban women live or work?

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Yes!  There are many women in the suburbs who want to ride bikes and came all the way to UIC to talk about it.
Jennifer on the lake said:

The Chainlink welcomes our suburban sisters who attended Women Bike Chicago!

Yep, only quasi suburban by modern standards.  ;)

notoriousDUG said:

Oak Park and Evanston are pretty short on strip malls and parking lots...

Ironic-dining dates with my girlfriend just got a lot more accessible!


OH snap! I love me some little Caesars but I ride a bike to it.

Mostly LC is for the weekend when you have $15 dollars so you get a pie and 6 pack.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

An Olive Garden will totally ruin the urban character of the block destroying the tree lined parking lot islands and driving customers away from other nearby Italian themed eateries like Little Ceasars.

There's a lot of stereotyping of suburbs and suburbanites in this thread. Yes, many suburbs are car-dependent but you can still find cyclists in them (myself, Garth Katner, Ed and Jeanette Skelly, Alan Lloyd and many other folks who are probably not known to readers of this post). And chain restaurants aren't limited to the suburbs; Chicago has hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Chicago's suburbs are also more racially and ethnically diverse than many Chicago neighborhoods. My point is that there are pluses and minuses to both and many reasons that someone might choose one or the other. How about a little tolerance, people?

I know. The smug superiority is sickening.

Erin said:

There's a lot of stereotyping of suburbs and suburbanites in this thread.

What started as a tongue in cheek commentary on a generic Italian(ish) chain restaurant has morphed into a discussion of sprawl.  Frankly, that is a more interesting topic.  Sprawl, car dependency and strip mall culture is not solely a suburban phenomenon. Many areas of the city are developing a more homogenized facade. I lived in Wrigleyville in the early 80's and hardly recognize it now.  At the same time, a number of the older, inner burbs such as the ones Doug mentioned, are becoming much more bike centric.  Yesterday's hipsters become today's parents and yesterday's mallrats become urban dwellers.  The fan shouldn't be surprised that some fecal material is rotating.  With that rotation times will change again and we'll all ride to Buffalo Grove for the opening night at the Hideout Too...or maybe not. :-)

We should organize a Chicago Tour de Sprawl.

that's awesome.

I started a question thread a few years ago about cycling suburbaniteshere.  I thought it was pretty interesting. 

MagMileMarauder said:

We should organize a Chicago Tour de Sprawl.


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