Thank god someone is thinking about the shortage of suburban style restaurants in the city.

And the lucky neighborhood is:

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

For about 3 seconds, I read this literally.  Someone is planting a grove of olive trees in Chicago.  Oy!


BruceBikes said:

For about 3 seconds, I read this literally.  Someone is planting a grove of olive trees in Chicago.  Oy!

Meh. If they had any guts, they'd put the Olive Garden on Taylor Street.  Then a PF Chang's on Wentworth.

Avondale isn't a suburb?

An Olive Garden right next to Kmart. Perfect!

ha!, same here

BruceBikes said:

For about 3 seconds, I read this literally.  Someone is planting a grove of olive trees in Chicago.  Oy!

Ha! good point. Technically, the distinction is binary: on one side of a border you are in the city. On the other, a suburb. But what are we usually really talking about when we talk about city and suburb? Lifestyle? Ambience? Population density? Walkability? In all of these aspects there are huge swaths of Chicago which are more "suburban" than downtown Oak Park, Evanston or scores of other actual suburbs.

J.A.W. 15.08 km said:

Avondale isn't a suburb?

<snicker>  Yeah, just what we need, an Olive Garden.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Now THAT would be chutzpah!

Thunder Snow said:

Meh. If they had any guts, they'd put the Olive Garden on Taylor Street.  Then a PF Chang's on Wentworth.

Low density and car dependence. 

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

Ha! good point. Technically, the distinction is binary: on one side of a border you are in the city. On the other, a suburb. But what are we usually really talking about when we talk about city and suburb? Lifestyle? Ambience? Population density? Walkability? In all of these aspects there are huge swaths of Chicago which are more "suburban" than downtown Oak Park, Evanston or scores of other actual suburbs.

J.A.W. 15.08 km said:

Avondale isn't a suburb?

true, but Avondale isn't one of those areas.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

Ha! good point. Technically, the distinction is binary: on one side of a border you are in the city. On the other, a suburb. But what are we usually really talking about when we talk about city and suburb? Lifestyle? Ambience? Population density? Walkability? In all of these aspects there are huge swaths of Chicago which are more "suburban" than downtown Oak Park, Evanston or scores of other actual suburbs.

J.A.W. 15.08 km said:

Avondale isn't a suburb?


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