Important Repairs and New Bike-Ped Bridges at Risk Due to Rauner

"Why Rauner’s Witholding of Funding for Bike-Ped Bridges Totally SOCCs"

Claffey said the new IDOT policy is impacting projects that are already under construction, as well as those that are being designed or are supposed to start construction soon. This includes repaving of main streets, bridge inspection and maintenance, road bridge and viaduct replacements, and new bike and pedestrian bridges. In addition to the 41st Street bridge, the latter category includes the Riverview Bridge on the Chicago River near Addison, and the reconstruction of Lake Shore Drive’s bridge over the main branch of the Chicago River as part of the Navy Pier Flyover project.

Claffey said CDOT is concerned that the state has been withholding the SOCC funding for political reasons. In recent months Rauner has been sparring with Mayor Emanuel over the Chicago Public Schools budget and other funding issues.

The state’s refusal to release SOCC funds for the 41st Street bridge and other initiatives is completely counterproductive because it could result in overall higher construction costs, since the delay may require these projects to be rebid. As Davis and Quigley wrote in their letter, “Witholding these funds from Chicago, delaying project starts, and putting other projects at risk is not in the best interests of the residents and visitors to Chicago and will hurt the economy of the city, the region, and the state.

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This is outrageous. Any chance Chainlink or Active Trans could launch a petition?

Yet another project held hostage to Rauner's pi$$in' contest.

Yep, where was everyone during the last gubernatorial election?,_2014

Same place they were during the last national election...

"Once they are registered to vote, people should then make every effort to vote in local, state, and federal elections. Many people dismiss this responsibility by saying that they do not care about the issues on the ballot or that they are unfamiliar with the candidates up for election. However, by failing to use their privilege to vote, people essentially allow other voters to make decisions for them, to let their voices be heard over voters who make no effort go to the polls. This is one of the primary reasons why you need to vote!"

"The outcomes of elections can impact voters’ personal freedoms, taxes, and other aspects of daily life that they take for granted. Because of the far reaching impact that an election can have, people have the duty to cast their vote if they want a say in how their futures play out."

delaying the project means they do not respect the people and even the city's welfare

The Democrats are impeding Rauner's turnaround agenda and the Democrats won't pass a balanced budget.  The Democrats are what's stopping the money spending on these projects. 

In most respects, the city has steadily become a better place to live.  The neighborhood where I live now was a lot rougher and had many fewer amenities 30 years ago, when I first came to this area.  I don't want to turn that trend around.  It would be nice to have a governor who cared about Chicago.  It would also be nice if our ruling party were a little less corrupt.

Very well put.

You live in the suburbs, right?  It doesn't make your opinion any more or less valid. I just think it's relevant.

Come on over to Indiana. We're a low(er) taxes, pro-business and friendly kind of state!! And we don't have a state legislature and governor engaging in a pi***ng contest.  :~)

Friendly if you're a straight white male.


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