I saw h's comment about light fluffy snow.  Maybe he lives in a different city?  That was some heavy wet snow made worse by those people who inconsiderately walked on it before I got home. ;-)  

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Ari shoveled earlier.  I'm doing second shift.

I'm not a home owner.

Julie, I think Ari got the raw end of that deal.  Jared, that is no excuse! ;-)

We take turns, too.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Ari shoveled earlier.  I'm doing second shift.

Shoveled once this afternoon. I'm going back out there in 15 min. I'm a little surprised the meteorologists got it right this time.
I live in the rear of the condo building (& rent) and always shovel the sides, back, and front. I enjoy it. Twisted I know. ;-) (6 units so no one to do it)
Plus the kid gets to play. Win for everyone!

I live near a school so every morning there's a parade of kids coming and every afternoon there's a parade of kids going.  Not shoveling is not a choice.

Actually it is, because my neighbor and the guy next to him don't shovel.   Sometimes the guy three doors down shovels theirs to my walk, sometimes I shovel clear to his walk.  Both non-shoveling neighbors are able bodied single guys.

We are not a corner house but I shovel from our property to the corner crosswalk since the neighbors never do. We are on a school route and I want to encourage people to get in their cars to travel 3 blocks as little as possible.

The house across the side alley from me is on a corner.  They only shovel in front and never along the side.  That little stretch turns to ice long before it melts because it is on the north side of his house.  I always think I will shovel it, but I usually run out of energy by the time I finish in front of our house.  Then when I have to walk on it I am kicking myself.

Gene, we might have to report you to 311!

Shoveled our 30 yard "path" to the driveway for the 5 years we lived in Vermont. Now that we are living here it's the landlords turn! I may go out and cheer him on but that about it.

Don't own a shovel. I let the University take care of that :p


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