Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Looking back at Gene's beautiful photography. Thinking of a different time... ah summer!

$500 reward : My specialized hybrid mountain bike. Was stolen off the bike rack while I was in CVS on Ogden & Chicago between 4:45&4:50p on Thursday June 14th. My bike was locked up and this happened in a matter of minutes. The pedals are medal & the right handlebar has some damage to it. This bike is special & means a lot - please let me know if you have any clues - thanks

So last Sunday I went to the Maxwell Street market to look for my stolen bike (see picture) and I saw several other nice bikes that I know for a fact were stolen as well. I took pictures and wrote down the serial # and then looked up the bikes on Stolen Bike Registry, and have now helped 2 owners who's bikes were stolen (1 in 2014 & 1 in 2016) know where their bikes will be this Sunday. They have coordinated w. the Market and which vendor and how to get their bikes back. I only hope that someone would do the same and help me find my bike!

I did.  Too cold too early this year.  I hope we warm up to get more days on LFP for my entire ride.

Nope and nope.

25 degrees in November is ridiculous! But it's also Veterans day so downtown would be less busy.

 I was really wanting to wait until January to break out my thermals and Balaclava!

I thought we had a deal that Fall would be warmer to make up for such a cold Spring?

Seriously I was able to not layer for July and August.

LOL, thanks for dusting off this tread, Mike! I did ride yesterday and had a great time on my way in (around noon) and a pretty scary time on my way home (around 7). It still felt funny to get out my snowsuit etc, but thinking about the fact that it’s not even Thanksgiving yet... yikes. Here’s hoping that it bounces back at least once before settling in for the long haul.

woof. snowsuit. :-(

Ditto for today. 7 degrees this morning and a HIGH of 19. I really hope some El Nino comes our way for at least part of this cold season.

Hey Yasmeen our Fall color was green leaves being frozen off trees with a Halloween snow and below freezing temps.



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