Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I think this is the best comment of the night! It really made me laugh.

Minh said:

The bike from Pilsen to Evanstan to Logan Square was brutal.

Witnessed some 'bros' in a  large pack wearing nothing but jeans and button up stripey dressed shirts with their hands in their pockets wandering around looking for a bar. I wonder what lucky ladies are going to be sleeping with all of them tonight.

Hells yeah! I loves this sh*t. I means snow.

Coldest ride I have ever done. Main roads were awesome. Kinzie was okay in some spots, the bridge just sucked. Milwaukee was fine and Division was fine. Not fine were the drivers. It's 15F water on the road and they [drivers] STILL speed. UGHHHH. 

The wind didn't make it any better. 

Otherwise though, I had one too many layers on my torso. Still having issues keeping my feet from freezing. But I guess I should have wore my warmer socks ;) I'll have to remember those next time. Without my shoecovers, it probably would have been even worse. It WAS a good ride anyway. 

Keep riding! :D

- Kevin

 Thanks for all the positive comments about my bikes!

Yep I rode to today,

Left for work around 1 o'clock big puffy flakes roads just wet.

Coming home around 10:30pm snow had stopped, took all surface streets

No traffic to speak of which is a big help.

17 degrees and a 25mph NW wind makes for hard work. Still having fun!

Some pics cutting through Winnemac park

Yeah it was pretty non-pleasant in the evening. I still took mostly side streets, but they were pretty bad. The worst bit was on the 18th St bridge - going west, just past the pretty slippery metal grate section there was an intense wind bouncing off the building that abuts the bridge - crazy hard wind that stopped me in my tracks for a moment.

But still, riding was better than taking the CTA.

But still, riding was better than taking the CTA.

you can say that again!

I'm sorry to say that I drove to work yesterday. As you may recall, I'm outside for about 4-6 hours a day walking dogs.  The idea of having wet clothes all day just doesn't do it for me. One nice thing--I was able to borrow my friend's very heavy large stew pot which would have been really hard to carry on my bike.  

The snow ride made up for most of those crabby feelings I had while driving yesterday. I test rode the Pugsley last night, too. That bike is AWESOME. Super fun. Riding home at whatever the hell time it was last night...oy vey. That wind was BAAAD. And it was awfully slippery. Pretty sure I was crying most of the time.  Yay! Bike Winter. 

As I was riding back from the snow ride last night, half past inebriated, I thought to myself that I was doing pretty well. I looked down and saw that I was riding on shiny road. Asked myself, "Could it be ice I'm riding on?" But thought that it couldn't be, because, again, I thought I was doIng well. I decided to test and see if it was really ice and see how slippery it was. I tapped on the front brake and sure enough, I started sliding, tilted over, and slid some more on my hips for a good few feet. Even trying to stand up was hard.
But of course I managed to get back on my bike, rode on snow and slowly got back on the shiny icy road, because I did manage to be on it pretty well before. BIG mistake! Yeah this all happened within a mile from home. I walked my bike the rest of the way home :)

Ha, Will. The nice thing about wiping out in the condition we you were in is those jelly feeling joints actually help you to bounce right back up again. That adrenaline never seems to last into the next day, though. I hope you're nursing your wounds with a big cup of coffee right now.

I loved my AM and early PM ride yesterday on the cargo bike and would have loved a rousing snow ride last night if someone who shall remain nameless wouldn't have gone back for two more pitchers. I did get in a few donuts through the Walgreens parking lot on the way home, so all in all it was a joyful occasion.

Now it's time to work up the courage to lead all the kidlets on Kidical Mass while my head is pounding.  

The ride last night from the loop to the north en of the lakefront path was the longest ad most difficult commute I've had in more than a year of commuting every day. Sure, I've ridden in more snow and colder temps, but last night's combo of massive north wind, icy snow, and odd mix of crusty, slushy snowpack on the trail made the ride so tough it was like riding through sand! Took twice as long as usual. But yeah, I rode. (-;

Glad you are ok Will.

I'm off to test those conditions (the streets, not the intoxication) now on my way to the shipping party at Working Bikes.

I look forward to using this awesome phrase. Thanks! 

Just Will said:

... half past inebriated ...

In case you didn't know, at this moment, the wind is BRUTAL. If I had a soul, I would call today's ride a soul crushing experience. I may be inside my house most of the afternoon

through May. 


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