Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Very windy. Here's hoping the direction keeps and I get to fly home.

Although it did not seem that bad this morning, I left my bike at home because of the forecasts.  It actually is worse than was forecast.  The wind reports are scary. Flights cancelled at O'Hare and Midway, debris flying everywhere, streets closed, buildings collapsing.  Maybe not Armageddon, I hope everyone is safe out there.  I don't want to hear that you cannot come to the Bike Swap because you were hit by a brick!

It's not worse than the wind storms we had two Halloweens ago, or the fall before that:

Then again it is coming from the south this time. I'm expecting to be wafted home without pedaling at all. Wish I had a kite or small sail or something.


Especially you--don't even think of not showing up tomorrow even if you do get hit by a brick. :-)

I don't want to hear that you cannot come to the Bike Swap because you were hit by a brick!

I'll be there. Stop by the Metro Retro table and say hi. Maybe buy something. :-)

It hit 60 degrees today and I was expecting to see many more cyclists. Instead it seemed that Wednesday was the peak day of the week along my route. I guess that means people fear the high winds more than the cold. Can't blame them.... today was a challenge [ but still better than CTA :-) ].

The ride home today was ... interesting ... Not something I'd want to experience on a regular basis, but once was okay. The cross winds were crazy. You'd adjust to wind of a certain speed from a certain direction, then, wham!, it would disappear or change direction or speed and you'd have to make some immediate course correction to avoid slamming into a parked car or launching out into traffic. Fortunately, a big chunk of my commute is along the Lakefront. No cars to bounce off of. There was one little section, no more than a couple blocks long, where I was riding with the wind. That was pretty amazing too. I felt like I lost control of the speed of the bike in the blink of an eye. Pedaling into the wind was the best, despite the difficulty. Headed west on Howard Street between the Red Line stop and Clark was a hoot. I was riding fixed. I could have walked faster.

The debris was a bit scary at times as well. I saw a Coroplast campaign yard sign flying around on my way through Rogers Park. With the metal legs still attached. Wouldn't have wanted to get hit by that thing.

A beautiful morning for a ride, but the bike lanes on Elston south of Division--especially southbound--are blocked by trucks and equipment from some film crew.

Thanks for the heads-up Lisa! :-) 


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