Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Where is this? Looks amazing.

The top one is 2 blocks north of the Diversey bridge; then Belmont Harbor; near North Avenue Beach; and south of the Peace garden at Buena.

Byron, you must ride along the lakefront.  Gene shares his wonderful photos with us almost every day, but you can see it yourself if you ride from Montrose south.  

:-) I always look forward to Gene's posts. So beautiful. 

I look forward to what he will have in the next few weeks as the buds really come out.  I also look forward to riding home in shorts!

I actually just started biking this week! I've ridden down the lakeshore, but only on the south. I'll have to make my way further up north I see.

An amazing morning.  To my back, the lunar eclipse hanging low in the sky.

Nice photo and composition, David.

My first Highland Park training ride of the year was cold and windy but with two stops for warm beverages, 44 miles got done and I felt great for being outside and riding my bike. Much better than riding on a trainer.

rode with Higher Gear, Wilmette group ride this morning. 25 miles. started chilly, ended with warm sunshine.


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