Nice first ride in the COLD.


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First time back on the lake front path since last year.  Good feeling.  Anyone know what they're doing at Cricket Hill (Montrose)?

Yes, today was  bee-yoo-tee-fool.  I had a tailwind, and not because I had chicken mcnuggets last night.  finally raised my seat up half an inch and that made the ride more comfortable than I've had in like forever.  the only reason I realized it was too low is that I started riding my fancy bike again after having not ridden it all winter, and its seat is higher.  So after I rode the fancy high seat bike, when I got back on the beast for the commute, I was like, "this seat is too low!"  soooo much better now.  what a difference a half inch adjustment can make.  think I cut my time too, with better leg power transfer to my pedals.

JeffB (7+ miles) said: Anyone know what they're doing at Cricket Hill (Montrose)?

Playing Fields by Cricket Hill Getting $2 Million Upgrade

By Adeshina Emmanuel on May 14, 2014 9:07am

UPTOWN — A new track and field is being built near Cricket Hill, a landmark of Uptown's lakefront.

The Chicago Park District is adding an artificial turf field just north of the hill, near the intersection of West Montrose Avenue and Lake Shore Drive.

Park district spokeswoman Jessica Maxey-Faulkner said in a statement the field will have striping for lacrosse, soccer and football, and be encircled by an eight-lane, marked running track fit for state high school competition.

The park district also plans to add ADA accessible sidewalks, concrete bleachers, shade trees and fencing to the area.

The project's price tag is $2 million and should be ready for lakefront enthusiasts to use by mid-July, officials said.

Part of Cricket Hill, which tops out at about 45 feet high and hosts the annual Chicago Kids and Kites Festival, is fenced off during construction. Bulldozers and mangled earth where the field and track are planned sit inside the massive construction site.

Despite the fence, gray skies and a light, steady drizzle, Tuesday was still an active day on that part of the lakefront: soccer players engaged in a match on a field just south of the construction site and dog walkers were out in force.

Cory Wright trotted up and down Cricket Hill Tuesday afternoon. Like the late, great Walter Payton, the Uptown man said he likes to work hill-running into his workout and "embrace the incline."

However, a few sprints and some laps around the new track will join his routine once the project is complete this summer, he said.

"That's going to bring so many more people to this part of the lakefront," said Wright, a 28-year-old self-described "fitness freak."

Maxey-Faulkner said Mayor Rahm Emanuel is committed to building and expanding city parks and that this latest project on Uptown's lakefront is part of those efforts.

I forgot how low you sit on that trike.  Minus the headwind it was a good morning.

Gene Tenner said:

nice cool ride, minus clouds it was almost purrffik.  installed new brake pads, had a bit or rub this morn.  80's cantilever brakes are a pain to get set right.  plus fat tires, so not much room for error, or they cut into the tire, or theyre too low on rim... or they rub, unless they are juuuuust right. 

I wore cycling sandals for the first time on a commute this season. Ahh, perhaps the vortex is beyond the rear view mirror, over the horizon in the distant can only hope. 

65°, sunny, blue sky, cool breeze, fresh spring scent in the air (mixed with engine exhaust)...  as far as commuting in the morning goes, this is the cream of the crop, the cherry on top, the hibby to the hop, an ya jus don stop.  perfect riding weather.

Totally agree. It doesn't get much better than this. 

five degrees colder than yesterday and a headwind... aweful!!! I should have taken the train.  just kidding.  still a nice day.  However, even though its only five ° difference, yesterday is still fresh in my memory and I can tell that I prefer 65° over 60°. 

to save cyber trees, I'm combining posts here...

To the dude going way slower on a bike than me (nothing wrong with that), who made a sarcastic comment as I passed you (as if I was trying to race you), I wasn't trying to prove anything, you where just going slower than me, and had I stayed behind you to save your sensitive pride from injury, I'd still be on my bike right now.  I guess I should have yelled "ON YOUR LEFT!!!"  I'm sure you would've liked that.  I always do.

IDK I think it's damned if you do damned if you don't with on your left. Yesterday, I didn't say it as I passed and got yelled at, so the next person I passed (I was running late haha...) I DID say on your left and got "Ok, whatever you want thats fine," all sarcastic like I did something wrong. 

Everytime I am passed unannounced it usually startles me. I would rather injur someone's ego than pass unsafe.


That being said, I passed a dude on the left the other night, he then made an effort to catch up and swing in front of me from the right... unannounced. Then did the "little kid cross walk trick" to get throughn Irving/Lincoln/Damen like a true asshole. These are the people that get under me skin. :D 


Michelle Milham said:

IDK I think it's damned if you do damned if you don't with on your left. Yesterday, I didn't say it as I passed and got yelled at, so the next person I passed (I was running late haha...) I DID say on your left and got "Ok, whatever you want thats fine," all sarcastic like I did something wrong. 


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