Nice first ride in the COLD.


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My morning ride was nice and ever so slightly warmer until I met up with the morning Friday bike coffee group (we have a weekly meet-up at a coffee shop near the White House). We sat outside on metal seats. Brrrr! I feel like I could use a heated seat after that. Made it back up into MD with 20 minutes to spare. It's a really nice thing to meet up with fellow riders. I really need to go more often.

Nice that you made it again today (no sitting outside anymore, though).

Yes! So nice to sit inside. The Brompton was convenient to tuck into a corner today. Always good to see everyone.

Rode LFP yesterday.  Lot's of riders out to and from work.

Today took Divvy in since forecast shows storms coming mid-afternoon.  If not, I'll Divvy back home.

Nice to have options!

Yes, nice ride in.  Saw a few more bikers than I expected on Black Friday.

I did.  LFP to Oak Street.  Lake was crazy angry this morning.  Oak Street curve was impassable so bikers went into streets at the underpass there.

I went through. And got some splash on the curve that soaked my feet. The rest of the run south to the flyover was just as bad but you could use the elevated path next to Lake Shore Drive for most of it. As much as I hate riding in traffic in the dark I'll probably have to use Dearborn after work. My socks are on one of the vents drying as I type.

I'm used to the curve being bad but the whole stretch south being impassable is new for this year.

When I have to take Dearborn (like last night), I usually head back to the LFP at North Ave.

Works pretty well.

It does, but Dearborn north of Kinzie is disturbing when it's light out, let alone in the dark.

I've noticed sometimes when I'm all bundled up, ride the elevator down and jump on my bike, the coolness actually feels really good. It's not every day but this morning it was a lovely, cool ride for me and after 4 days off, I was excited to get back to the office to see everyone. 

I did ride today.  Big headwind heading South on LFP.  Good burn for the ride in!

Had a flat on the Navy Pier flyover yesterday  :-(

Went to Navy Pier and called Uber Taxi.  Good luck for me that a handicap car showed bike rolled right in.  Now to get the tire fixed.


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