I just missed the press conference and just hung out at lunch to see how it would all work. It seemed easy enough, so I took Dearborn as my starting route home to Roscoe Village. Normally I hit Franklin to Orleans then north to Lincoln.

I have to say, it was pretty easy and relatively safe. The ambassadors were helpful with the the auto traffic. The walkers were easy enough to avoid. I had to chuckle at two riders riding side by side in the lane.

What I didn't see was any oncoming traffic; southbound riders. I am guessing that will come in time or at other times during the day.

Way to go Mayor RE! This is really making a statement.

Who else rode the new path?

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Looks like they are indeed installing plates:


"flex elbows" 

"keep weight centered"

"pedal consistently"

Pretty much the same mantra I chant in my head while flying downhill on a mountain bike goes through my head crossing those grated bridges.

I cringe to think what a crash on that grating would feel like.  Short of tumbling down a cactus covered hill it's hard to thing of a worse place to wipe out.

Here's a grotesque link from the Chainlink archives complete with photographs of some pretty horrible bridge related injuries (in the imbedded Blog). I think of this link almost every time I ride over the bridge grates.

Derek said:

"flex elbows" 

"keep weight centered"

"pedal consistently"

Pretty much the same mantra I chant in my head while flying downhill on a mountain bike goes through my head crossing those grated bridges.

I cringe to think what a crash on that grating would feel like.  Short of tumbling down a cactus covered hill it's hard to thing of a worse place to wipe out.

Ummmm.... Well. I was hoping for more to be done in 5-6 hours. Hopefully they will fix the 'bump'/deformation on the northbound side.

I will put my rose-colored glasses and be thankful something is happening.

Right, one plate in a day?  It's going to take weeks to be done at that rate.

That link to the facebook page that Duppie gave said that it will be done over the "next several days".  At least there is progress!

On another Dearborn note, as I rode over the bridge heading north there was a taxi parked in the bike lane right at the hotel driveway.  There was another one in the correct spot directly to his right.  The fellow in the bike lane was just sitting there and had his window open.  I pulled up next to him and asked why he was parked there.

"Parked where?" 

"You are parked in the bike lane"

"I am? I am sorry.  I could get a ticket. Thank you."

Backs up to move into the parking lane behind the other cab.

I thanked him and went on my way.

"I am? I am sorry.  I could get a ticket. Thank you."

Backs up to move into the parking lane behind the other cab.

-- I think I would have started looking around for the hidden camera at that point.


Nicely done - by you and the cab driver.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

On another Dearborn note, as I rode over the bridge heading north there was a taxi parked in the bike lane right at the hotel driveway.  There was another one in the correct spot directly to his right.  The fellow in the bike lane was just sitting there and had his window open.  I pulled up next to him and asked why he was parked there.

"Parked where?" 

"You are parked in the bike lane"

"I am? I am sorry.  I could get a ticket. Thank you."

Backs up to move into the parking lane behind the other cab.

I thanked him and went on my way.

Cab driver did not remotely resemble Allen Funt. ;-)

Michelle Stenzel said:

"I am? I am sorry.  I could get a ticket. Thank you."

Backs up to move into the parking lane behind the other cab.

-- I think I would have started looking around for the hidden camera at that point.


Looks like four plates have been installed as of this morning. The lane is two plates wide, btw.

Here's what I took when I walked a few miles toward home yesterday:

And when I got to the other side I watched this lady pull in to wait for someone to get off work:

What is that lane to the right of the SUV in that second picture... where the towncar is standing.  Is that a dropoff lane or a drving lane?


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