an SUV actually. It was a narrow street, there was a line of cars waiting at a light and I decided to ride on the narrow snowy strip between the parked cars and the standing vehicles. I hit a slick spot and in the process of trying to regain my balance I bounced off the guy's side mirror, knocking it back. It was one of those hinged mirrors, so it didn't break, just rotated back against the car.

He rolled down his window and asked me if I was OK. I said that I was and that I was sorry for hitting his mirror. He said not to worry about it, it wasn't broken, and reiterated that he was only concerned whether I was alright. I repeated that I was fine and we both went on our way.

Man I wish all my interactions with motorists were so friendly and positive. Thanks, whoever you are!

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Yeah, it's kind of embarrassing to bounce off a car or slide into the back of one. And, yes, I've done that more times than I wish to recall.

I've started to scout alternative routes on less-traveled streets until the snow clears up a little, 'cause I'm tired of trying to ride on the packed snowy-ice a foot from the cars.
So refreshing to here about civil encounters. Thanks for sharing; back in high school I was riding home with a friend who was trying to get into his toe clips and hit a parked car, and then I crashed into him. More embarrassing than anything else.
Got you beat GabeW, rode into the back of a station wagon coming home from a high school graduation party slightly drunk. The back window broke out when I slamed the car. This was at 3:00 a.m. The owner of the car just laughed and thought it was funny. The insurance company paid for the window. I was black and blue all over for two weeks. As for hitting side mirrors, I have had this happen on several occasions. I have never had the fortune of hitting the kind that bounce back. I was in downtown Chicago and I nailed a parked car couple years back. No driver was around, so I left them my name and phone number. The street was tight and I had a box truck trying to pass me. I went over too far and snap went her mirror. I did not fall down at least. Nice to see that your all right Jim B. Any damage to your bike? Snow on top of ice makes for a hell of a surprise! Glad the motorist was nice about it. Keep on riding!
That's wonderful. I was almost doored over the summer and told the guy to watch it. he then said, I'm sorry in a very civil manner.

It was great to have some respect for once.
Here's another good one...

When I was 12 a friend and I were riding along side by side talking. He wasn't paying enough attention and ran into the back of a convertible just as it was pulling out. He went over his handlebars and into the back seat. The car then drove off for over a block before they noticed him in the back. I think it was the timing of it all that the person drove off with out noticing that my friend had run into them and was then in the back. My friend said that they looked incredibly shocked when they heard him moaning and then saw him in the back seat. Of course I bust out laughing after I realized that he was OK and then everyone else joined in.

Jim said:
Got you beat GabeW, rode into the back of a station wagon coming home from a high school graduation party slightly drunk. The back window broke out when I slamed the car. This was at 3:00 a.m. The owner of the car just laughed and thought it was funny. The insurance company paid for the window. I was black and blue all over for two weeks. As for hitting side mirrors, I have had this happen on several occasions. I have never had the fortune of hitting the kind that bounce back. I was in downtown Chicago and I nailed a parked car couple years back. No driver was around, so I left them my name and phone number. The street was tight and I had a box truck trying to pass me. I went over too far and snap went her mirror. I did not fall down at least. Nice to see that your all right Jim B. Any damage to your bike? Snow on top of ice makes for a hell of a surprise! Glad the motorist was nice about it. Keep on riding!
alex- i almost fell off my chair just now! I almost woke up my niece and nephew laughing so hard!

Bikefreeek said:
Here's another good one...

When I was 12 a friend and I were riding along side by side talking. He wasn't paying enough attention and ran into the back of a convertible just as it was pulling out. He went over his handlebars and into the back seat. The car then drove off for over a block before they noticed him in the back. I think it was the timing of it all that the person drove off with out noticing that my friend had run into them and was then in the back. My friend said that they looked incredibly shocked when they heard him moaning and then saw him in the back seat. Of course I bust out laughing after I realized that he was OK and then everyone else joined in.

Jim said:
Seconded. That's hilarious. I would've loved to have seen the look on the driver's face when s/he looked in the back seat.

Julie Hochstadter said:
alex- i almost fell off my chair just now! I almost woke up my niece and nephew laughing so hard!

Bikefreeek said:
Here's another good one...

When I was 12 a friend and I were riding along side by side talking. He wasn't paying enough attention and ran into the back of a convertible just as it was pulling out. He went over his handlebars and into the back seat. The car then drove off for over a block before they noticed him in the back. I think it was the timing of it all that the person drove off with out noticing that my friend had run into them and was then in the back. My friend said that they looked incredibly shocked when they heard him moaning and then saw him in the back seat. Of course I bust out laughing after I realized that he was OK and then everyone else joined in.

Jim said:
A couple summers ago when I still rode my alley route to work, I fell over into an SUV that was coming out of a garage.

I was trying to go around some speed bumps (those damn plastic ones bolted down) and toppled over.

The funny part is that I fell in such a way that I couldn't get my foot out of my toe clips, so the guy driving the SUV had to get out of his vehicle and pull my foot free.

Moral of the story: RUN CLIPLESS! (no really, don't try to go around damn plastic speed bumps)
I got hit in fifth grade while en route to score an X-Men graphic novel by a LEGALLY BLIND MAN.

My bike was totaled, but I was okay, and I was able to score a Fuji (my first "grown-up" bike) with the insurance settlement. I was in heaven!

And that X-Men comic kicked major ass.

P.S. I'm glad to hear everyone's doing well after all these automotive altercations!

Bikefreeek said:
Here's another good one...

When I was 12 a friend and I were riding along side by side talking. He wasn't paying enough attention and ran into the back of a convertible just as it was pulling out. He went over his handlebars and into the back seat. The car then drove off for over a block before they noticed him in the back. I think it was the timing of it all that the person drove off with out noticing that my friend had run into them and was then in the back. My friend said that they looked incredibly shocked when they heard him moaning and then saw him in the back seat. Of course I bust out laughing after I realized that he was OK and then everyone else joined in.
Ha! (good thing I didn't wake up my roomie) Still chuckling. If only ever encounter with cars could end like that...

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Seconded. That's hilarious. I would've loved to have seen the look on the driver's face when s/he looked in the back seat.

Julie Hochstadter said:
alex- i almost fell off my chair just now! I almost woke up my niece and nephew laughing so hard!

Bikefreeek said:
Here's another good one...

When I was 12 a friend and I were riding along side by side talking. He wasn't paying enough attention and ran into the back of a convertible just as it was pulling out. He went over his handlebars and into the back seat. The car then drove off for over a block before they noticed him in the back. I think it was the timing of it all that the person drove off with out noticing that my friend had run into them and was then in the back. My friend said that they looked incredibly shocked when they heard him moaning and then saw him in the back seat. Of course I bust out laughing after I realized that he was OK and then everyone else joined in.

Jim said:
Just testing another graphic counter.


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