I am normally a courteous biker, but I was in a hurry on my way home today and was going a little too fast on the path near Lawrence. I passed a woman very close. I didn't have time to slow and apologize. If your on the chain link I am sorry.

Thought other may want to share the mistakes they made on their rides.

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Totally.  It has happened to me with drivers on several occasions :))

Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

David, I've found that a hand to the heart with a mouthed "I'm sorry" works as a good "my bad" gesture. I always worry when I've made a surprise or jerky bike move, the other person will turn out to be someone I know!

mini thread drift -When we were kids we were in the back seat of the family car around dusk and drove by a convent. My brother saw a nun riding a bicycle and thought he had seen a ghost.

Return to thread-I think this confessional is good for us.  Over the years I have done it all and truly feel bad about it.  The resolution to be a more empathic rider, one who cares about the well being of others on the road, has helped me get through.

Ann Sch:-) said:

Hilarious.  The Holy Order of Chainlink.

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

Say three "On Your Lefts" and one "Cycle Back", and you will be forgiven.

I know what "On Your Left" is, but I've never heard "Cycle Back" What does "Cycle Back" mean?


Good - I'll try that the next time I do something blockheaded, see how it's received.

Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

David, I've found that a hand to the heart with a mouthed "I'm sorry" works as a good "my bad" gesture. I always worry when I've made a surprise or jerky bike move, the other person will turn out to be someone I know!

David P. said:

I like this thread. It's good to admit when you've been a dumbunny. Years ago, I was riding down Lincoln Park and blew a stop sign at which a runner was just crossing, and I startled the hell out of him. He yelled at me to stop at stop signs. He was right, duh. I don't do that kind of thing any more, but I still remember it. I've tried to think of an "I'm sorry" gesture to make while riding (or driving!); the best I've been able to come up with is putting my hand to my mouth with slightly pursed lips, in an "oops, sorry" gesture.

Sorry to the cyclist in a blue shirt that I turned in front of at Wilson and the path around 5:30 tonight.     Had wedding ceremony songs in my head, but no excuse.

Ironically I had just yelled at a cyclist who stopped suddenly on the path to turn left just before Montrose. 

To the pedestrian on Damen at Milwaukee the other night---

I'm so sorry! I NEVER would've blown a snot rocket over my shoulder if I'd realized you were walking up behind me in the street at exactly the wrong moment. I can't believe it hit you square in the face like that, we could never coordinate such a perfect shot again if we tried.  

I'm sorry the other biker and I cracked up so hard about it, but man, the look on your face...

This is one of the best uses of the Chainlink ever. My day is made. Thank you, David!

David of the North (David606xx) said:

To the pedestrian on Damen at Milwaukee the other night---

I'm so sorry! I NEVER would've blown a snot rocket over my shoulder if I'd realized you were walking up behind me in the street at exactly the wrong moment. I can't believe it hit you square in the face like that, we could never coordinate such a perfect shot again if we tried.  

I'm sorry the other biker and I cracked up so hard about it, but man, the look on your face...

I always bike good. 

Oh my, I just missed a fellow biker yesterday morning on Lincoln Ave.   I apologized. He said he was far enough back and there was no impact and no problem. He then rode past me quite quickly.

Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

This is one of the best uses of the Chainlink ever. My day is made. Thank you, David!

David of the North (David606xx) said:

To the pedestrian on Damen at Milwaukee the other night---

I'm so sorry! I NEVER would've blown a snot rocket over my shoulder if I'd realized you were walking up behind me in the street at exactly the wrong moment. I can't believe it hit you square in the face like that, we could never coordinate such a perfect shot again if we tried.  

I'm sorry the other biker and I cracked up so hard about it, but man, the look on your face...

Haha! Note to self, never ride behind David. 

David of the North (David606xx) said:

To the pedestrian on Damen at Milwaukee the other night---

I'm so sorry! I NEVER would've blown a snot rocket over my shoulder if I'd realized you were walking up behind me in the street at exactly the wrong moment. I can't believe it hit you square in the face like that, we could never coordinate such a perfect shot again if we tried.  

I'm sorry the other biker and I cracked up so hard about it, but man, the look on your face...

David and David--I am just sure your mothers raised you better than that!

Just trying to save some trees...

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

David and David--I am just sure your mothers raised you better than that!


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