How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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Too many ;)

Kind of makes me think "They're baaaaaaack!"

between 630 and 745 I saw scores of riders including one hopeful gentleman riding in shorts. I suspect I may see more shorts on the way home.

To many to count, there was a mechanic at RT south who said "March is when you meet old friends".

One today, two yesterday.  I'm still able to lock up right in front of my office, which unfortunately is not going to last.


I thought about wearing shorts this morning but decided against it.

2 yesterday and 3 just this morning.

For the first time since I started commuting about three years ago, I saw waaaayyy more women riding than men!  I usually feel like a lone ranger.

That's awesome. Great to hear. When I head North to Skokie, I also see more men than women but there's one woman that raced me light-to-light. Best commute ever. :-)

LOL.  Almost everyone passes me, and I would lose every race.  Except for the one guy I pass on Milwaukee who rides an upright bike and is wearing a heavy jacket with a hood, even now.

I concur! I must have seen only 2-3 guys and 5 women this morning on LFP.

JustWill - I might have been one of those women! I saw an even number of men + women this morning. Rode from Ardmore to 47th street.

What bike did you ride this morning?


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