How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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There were about 15 different people I saw commuting on the North Branch trail around 6:30 pm yesterday. I need to do this more often, schedule permitting (I can't commute on the North Branch after dark).

On evenings this summer when I go from ca. North & Elston to the Loop for an appointment after work, I have often seen over 100 other cyclists in that 20-minute ride.

Today, commuting and viewing in and around The 2014 Chicago Marathon I saw a huge amount of cyclists checking the event out on two wheels. Divvy's , Bobby Bike Rentals, and personal bikes were everywhere downtown enjoying a perfect fall Sunday that was ideal for any cycling activity. Once again, it was great seeing my fellow cyclists at today's marathon !

I find that this intersection is not as bad as people think or as it intuitively seems, although it does require that you keep doubly aware of your surroundings. The tricky part is that whether crossing Ogden heading eastbound or westbound, you are couched in between lanes turning and lanes going straight. Also, given that Ogden is at a bit of a curve through there, one can feel a little bit exposed to Ogden traffic speeding by. I just position myself safely in the intersection, wait for the lights to signal my right of way, and then peddle like the dickens to get up to speed and across. Otherwise, I have a nice low-key commute through residential Cicero between SE Oak Park and Little Village. At a little over six miles, many mornings/afternoons it seems too short and I wish I had a longer commute!

h' 1.0 said:

How do you handle that intersection?
I have ridden from Harlem/Roosevelt area to 26th/California area a couple dozen times via the 26/Ogden/Cicero abomination.

B.C. Miller said:

the funky intersection of Ogden and 26th Street

Until I hit Kinzie and Wells, I only saw 3 on private bikes and 1 on a Divvy.  Then I started seeing a lot on Divvy, but no one on private bikes! All between 7:30 and 8:00 this morning.


A few more than usual on Clark St. this morning, which was nice. If you're going to try winter biking, this is the week to do it!

Let's see. I saw four on the LFP as I recall. All northbound. This was pre 7:30 am.

None, even though conditions were good.  Parked at the rack right in front of my office.


I fear that cars are starting to take for granted that nobody is cycling.  This morning, I had 2 cabs and 2 other vehicles pull into my path in the bike lane without looking, forcing me to swerve and brake.  Of course that sort of thing happens year round, but 4 in 4 miles is a lot.

Rode every day for the past 3 weeks from Uptown to the Loop.  Best advice someone gave to me is true "once you get going you don't think about the cold".

Yesterday, one would have thought it was still winter--hardly anyone out. Today, I could not count how many were going every which way.  Cycling spring fever definitely raging.

I have to agree with Lisa. Yesterday am from East Pilsen area to Lawndale - nobody.

Today - about 30. Nice!


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