I used Divvy twice on Saturday. I only saw one other person riding during each trip.
The last mile of my commute today, I saw my first. Then out of nowhere, a pack of divvys came from around a corner and surprised the hell out of me.
Almost none...then 5.
i saw about 5 around 7 this morning, mostly Divvys.
All Divvy's, all morning! Fat tires are GREAT tires!
I saw a guy at 98th & Longwood this a.m. Didn't see any other cyclists until the South Loop.
The only person on wheels I saw before hitting town this morning was Gene. There were plenty of people on Divvy bikes once I got into the city, though. Some lingering snow on the lakefront almost made me think of getting studded tires, but like my car I'd be too lazy to change the tires alone and would want a second set of wheels, too.
I have a super-short commute through my neighborhood, and yet I still saw about 7 people also riding this morning! (If you're one of them on Damen, Sunnyside, or Lincoln, I'm the one ringing my bell at you from the tinsel-covered bike...)
I left my skinny bike at work last night and rode a fat Divvy, for the first time, on a unplowed Damen Ave. This is definitely my new alternative when the roads are a little too suspect. I will admit the Divvy ride back to work this morning was so slow it was kind of humorous.
I saw 6 this morning between Logan Square and the West Loop
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