Ignorance of the law isn’t an excuse, but the patchwork chaos of cycling rules is a better explanation than stupidity or selfishness.


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GET ON THE SIDEWALK said the driver to the cyclist. GET ON THE STREET said the pedestrian to the cyclist. WTF

If riding on the sidewalk carefully and respectfully for an unsure, newbie cyclist builds confidence of skills for future cycling ON the mean streets of the big city, I'm O K with that.
So many sidewalk cyclists! I kind of get it in some spots- crossing the bridge on Roosevelt where the paint for the lane has worn off, i guess... but today I saw several on Wabash (parallel to me, as I rode in the bike lane.) Also, people going the wrong way in the bike lane. If the infrastructure's there and other cyclists are using it, I don't get it.

I think most drivers feel this way about cyclists on the street. Of course it's true about cyclists on the sidewalk.

h' 1.0 said:

I have no problem with cyclists on the sidewalk as long as they show an awareness that they're guests there.

I will ride the sidewalk occasionally (in the suburbs) where the road is too dangerous for cycles and there is only occasional foot traffic. When I encounter a pedestrian I will proceed slowly, give them the walkway and bypass on the "grass". I would never ride the sidewalk in an urban area right up against businesses and residencies.

Only ride on the sidewalk when there is some good reason why you aint on the road, and respect the pedestrians.  I hardly ever do, but one of the last times I did, an angry lady pedestrian said "why don't you ride on the street with the big boys!"  she was the only person anywhere on the sidewalk and I was going really slow.  

So how about a sign by the Divvy bike racks saying riding on the sidewalk is illegal.

You can call in your suggestion to 1-855-55-DIVVY (855-553-4889) or email them at customerservice@divvybikes.com.

Mike Zumwalt said:

So how about a sign by the Divvy bike racks saying riding on the sidewalk is illegal.

There are a few rules posted on Divvy bikes, on the handle bars behind the basket.  One is "walk bikes on sidewalks".

Mike Zumwalt said:

So how about a sign by the Divvy bike racks saying riding on the sidewalk is illegal.


AM 9.5 said:

To the guys in suits riding on the sidewalks in the Loop between 12 and 1, when 90% of workers are getting lunch, um, no.

And I have total sympathy for the frail, mature (old) men & women who do their shopping for necessities and pedal along slowly on the sidewalk going home, but I have none for the 'Bum-biker' types who speed up from behind you a few inches from your ribcage while they are carrying a black plastic bag from the "L" store .

I cycle sidewalks early morning when the sun is blinding. If I can't see, I have no faith that a motorist can see me.


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