Update! Great story about fellow Chainlinker, Laurie Chipps biking across the country.

Laurie Chipps loves her Ukrainian Village apartment, her job as a librarian at the Art Institute of Chicago and the friends she's accumulated while living in the city.

But Chipps, 36, said she still wasn't happy — a state that led to her decision to ride a bicycle 4,229 miles across the United States. Chipps' trip — which will take her from Yorktown, Virginia through 10 states before ending in Astoria, Oregon — begins Thursday.

Full story: http://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20150428/ukrainian-village/unhappy-l...

We wish Laurie the best on her travels and the start of a new, exciting life out West.

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Woah, he just started too!  I hope I can follow him on Strava or Garmin.

Congratulations to Laurie Chipps for completing her bike ride across the U.S.


She made it!  She's safely in Portland, OR.


May 10th to August 10th. 4,477 miles, following the Trans-American Trail.



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