Great news! Kinzie Street's protected bike lane will stay in place.

"CDOT & Reilly Reach a Consensus on Kinzie: The Protected Lanes Will Remain"

Full story at Chicago Streetsblog:

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That is great news indeed.

But this is my question...the article states"...they’re (Active Trans) proposing a stoplight for the intersection of Kinzie and Kingsbury Street, “where too many cyclists don’t yield to pedestrians,” Burke stated.

Why put a stoplight in?  There is already a light on the other side of the bridge and a stop sign at the intersection, granted most cyclists ignore it. 

Instead, how about doing something about the Kinzie-Franklin or Kinzie-Orleans intersection?  I'm going to see someone get killed when they ignore the stop sign and get right hooked by a car trying to turn N onto Franklin or Orleans. 

OR maybe cyclists should just stop running those stop signs. 

Those all have pretty clear lines of sight most of the time. You can slow and go without coming to a complete stop if it's clear. But just fucking stop if you don't have the right of way or the line of sight is blocked by a van / truck / whatever. 

Problem solved.

Call me cynical but a stoplight at that intersection will do very little to improve behavior. Instead of blowing through stop signs bikers will blow through red lights. 

Just a couple weeks ago I was stopped at that stop sign heading west with another biker a few feet to my right. Some asshat flies between us forcing the vehicle that was already entering the intersection (with right of way) to stop and yield. I'm doubtful that person would have done anything different with a red light in place of that stop sign. 

Has anyone encountered the ancient jogger by chance?

Yes! Very frequently.

Good to know ancient jogger will also benefit from this. Not sure this person is aware...

This is great news indeed. The Kedzie bike lane is glorious. My favorite part of my commute.

I brought out my magic tape measure and figured that there really isn't room for two car lanes over the bridge anyway, and then certainly not enough room for two car lanes under the two viaducts.  I just wish the whole thing was extended to State Street.



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