The project which will add a contra-flow bikelane on Glenwood from Ridge to Foster was announced today by alderman Harry Osterman

A public meeting was announced for Wednesday June 10th, 6:30pm at Edgwater Baptist Church, 1402 W Hollywood

I am personally excited because this will create the first safe and legal southbound route between Winthrop and the UP-N tracks.

Hope to see you all there!

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The meeting went well. One cranky old guy who was beyond reason, but other than that some constructive criticism, and a lot of proponents. Link for coverage in Steetablog and DNAInfo.

I went to the meeting tonight and I have to say that I walked out of it saying "this for sure is happening" to my partner. The meeting was great. I actually made eyes with fellow cyclists in the audience, where it seemed that both of us were thinking "EXACTLY!!!". This is what the NorthSide needs to become more friendly to the daily commuters. 

One interesting thing I learned: CDOT has apparently done bike counts on Glenwood and found that bikes are 25% of traffic at peak times.

I was amused by the woman who was upset that she might have to check for traffic in both directions when exiting her alley parking. I wonder if she is related to the woman who shouted at me on Tuesday while blowing out of the alley/parking lot next to Pierce onto Bryn Mawr at speed with no turn signal (she was upset that I was making a signaled turn from Bryn Mawr into that alley, which is plenty wide enough there due to the teacher parking for a car and bike to pass). (If this bike lane goes in, I won't have to take this alley anymore to my alley on the next block south when coming from Bryn Mawr, I can just go down Glenwood and then get to my alley on Gregory--I should have asked her to support the greenway!)

I had been thinking of this route as being primarily useful to people coming down from north of Ridge, but the more I think about it, the more I realize how useful it will be for me even when I'm heading south (from Glenwood between Bryn Mawr and Catalpa where I live), especially toward Broadway. I went to the post office yesterday, taking Clark because I don't like to ride the wrong way for more than the occasional block, and while I'm used to it, the ride is more stressful than it needs to be (got trapped and nearly squished by a bus pulling over while I was between it and the curb, and then had to fight my way into the left-turn lane at Foster and try to jet through a narrow gap in northbound Clark traffic, which is often the only kind of gap there is at this light). Wayne doesn't work to get to Broadway because cross traffic at Wayne and Foster has no light or stop sign and it's nearly impossible to turn left there. I think if this contraflow lane goes in I'll probably end up shopping in Uptown much more often.

After the meeting I'm cautiously optimistic. Harry is not one to fight for something like this if he feels like the neighborhood is against it, and I was afraid that a strong NIMBY showing at this meeting would be enough to kill the plan. But it feels like there were enough supporters that it will survive, at least for now.

I'm not at all surprised by the 25% figure. Glad to hear that the meeting was encouraging.

I agree, a very calm meeting with plenty of cyclist neighbors there in support.  

Mike from DoT and Harry were great.  I'm going to write a letter to the Alderman in support of the plan.

 I was surprised there weren't more folks like ol' Mr. Crank. Everyone else that were opposed seemed pretty rational.

It's Edgewater. Not Lakeview. :) 

  Just think, that section of Glenwood was once a two way street.

How long ago was it converted?

That happened sometimes in the 70's.

At the meeting in June the proposed timeline had construction starting in September. Since that didn't happen, I contacted the alderman to see what was up. Unfortunately it looks like the project has been postponed indefinitely. Osterman plans new community meetings around the bike lane in the spring.

Disappointing news. I think it's worth rallying some supporters to attend and write to the alderman when meetings are coming up in the spring.


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