Guy rides his bike fast.

Taxi fare opens the door.

Arguments ensue.

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Well said.

clp said:

Well I've lived and biked in NYC.  And compared with Chicago, it is a jungle; endless honking, sudden lane changes, double- (and triple-) parking...and a race-track mentality.  Traffic lights are timed on Manhattan's north-south avenues, and packs of cars get up to 60mph trying to make the lights.  It is like a third-world country.  No way does it resemble Chicago.

Taxis are much more numerous.  And competition between hacks is serious.  Both for the next fare, and for a generous tip.  Compared with that, cyclists...and yes, the rest of the world, are not even on a cabbie's (and his passenger's) radar screen. 

Cab passengers need to realize they've hired the cab.  The cab driver is their employee for that moment.   It is the passenger's responsibility to direct the driver to safe pick-up and discharge locations, as well as warn the driver about any other infractions they might observe.  Or else stiff the driver if he does not comply, and consider reporting his driver number, clearly displayed in the cab by law.

Very interesting comments. Surprised by all the support for cabs pulling into the bike lane.

Call the police immediately!

It isn't in the ordinance.  It's in City of Chicago Public Chauffers Rules & Regulations.

Davo said:

While looking through the city of Chicago taxi cab ordinance, I found no regulations stating where a taxi is supposed to, by law, drop of and pick up passengers. There is some wording about this in the passenger information web page saying for them to please exit and enter curbside. I find this absurd. There should some kind of ordinance mandating that taxi passengers should be picked up and dropped off curbside. Im no lawyer so I'm not sure where the responsibility should be held (I would think with the operator of the vehicle).  I guess that may be too much to ask though, thank god people can't smoke in parks or harbors though.

I think Rich is pretty on point here.

Dude did not even slow down for peds. SMH

slow clap.

All very well said by Dan. Everyone passing through this thread should read his responses. Thanks for sharing

Tandemonium said:


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