Curious to what readers think of the following bike commuter habits.  Some are mine, some I've observed:  good/bad/indifferent



talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder)

talking on cell phone w/headset

easing through stop w/no cross traffic

using clip-in pedals

riding w/no hands

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown

tailgating another rider

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar



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headphones: I do it, but I don't recommend it. It's a surprisingly hard habit to break!
talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder): I usually can't hear my phone ring due to habit #1. I once saw someone run into a curb and fall over while doing this. He couldn't have been going very fast because he just sort of rolled over and continues on with the conversation. It's not a good habit.
talking on cell phone w/headset: Does anyone do this? I've never seen it. Don't really approve, but also don't care much.
easing through stop w/no cross traffic: If there's really no cross traffic, I'll go through. Usually I wait at red lights and slow down for stop signs (unless someone else has the right of way). I hate it when I see other cyclists go through stops in dangerous or asshole-ish ways. I know it isn't fair, but I feel like it makes all cyclists look like jerks.
using clip-in pedals: Sometimes. More often in winter or on long rides.
riding w/no hands: I do it on side streets occasionally. (I have a strangely vivid childhood memory of seeing a man cycling down my street, upright with no hands, while reading a book. I thought it was the most amazing thing ever, and I tried for years to learn to ride like that. Only mastered it six years ago or so, sans book for obvious reasons.)
riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown: No, this is rude. If another cyclist came up behind and needed to pass, you'd be forcing them into the traffic lane. Plus bike lanes are really not wide enough for two riders side-by-side tobe in the lane but also free of the door zone.
tailgating another rider: Rude.
using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off: Acceptable.
circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green: I don't know why this annoys me so much, but I just find it to be the douchiest behavior. People who do this - you look like a fool, and no one is impressed.
riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront: Don't understand why someone would want to do this.
smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar: Don't understand why someone would do this either, although I would not mind seeing a cyclist smoking a pipe.
Riding a bike instead of driving a car - Great!

Everything else - minor details.
i don't do any of them, except easing through stop signs.

once in a while i may come close to tailgating another rider, but i only ride close if the other rider is going at the same pace as me and doesn't keep looking over their shoulder. i probably don't get close enough to be true tailgating. it's not really fun to tailgate on the streets, because of dooring, stopping, and turning issues. i don't make a habit of it. and i don't mind when others tailgate me. i like that they trust me.

what kind of "hand gesture" are you referring to? if it's the middle finger: no. it's not worth the time or effort. no matter if it was the drivers fault, it'll make them mad and block the guilt. if it's the "what are thinking?" hand up gesture: yes, but less and less often. if it's the "peace, brother, we're all in this together" gesture: yes, and more often. if it's the "use your brain" gesture: yes, but only in extreme cases when i know i'm not doing it to be mean. if it's the "hey, you're on your cell phone and it's illegal" gesture: yes, but sometimes it may be misconstrued as the "i like you, give me a call" gesture, and i don't want to date a cell phone driver. if it's the "where'd you get that milkshake?" gesture: :)

Mark Kenseth said:
if it's the "use your brain" gesture: yes, but only in extreme cases when i know i'm not doing it to be mean. if it's the "hey, you're on your cell phone and it's illegal" gesture: yes, but sometimes it may be misconstrued as the "i like you, give me a call" gesture, and i don't want to date a cell phone driver. if it's the "where'd you get that milkshake?" gesture: :)

I'd like to see these last 4 explained in more detail. For example what does a "use your brain" gesture look like?
headphones - no way - I'd rather have as much info as possible about what's going on around me.

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder) - no way, just plain stupid - good way to have an accident

talking on cell phone w/headset - only briefly to answer a call - pulling over when you're actually on a call isn't gonna kill you.

easing through stop w/no cross traffic - if there's no cross traffic, sure

using clip-in pedals - if you're proficient at it, I've got no problem with that. I don't like riding with them in stop-and-go situations.

riding w/no hands - not the brightest idea in traffic - stay away from me, please!

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown - downtown traffic is usually too congested for that

tailgating another rider - dumb in most traffic situations

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off - can cost you

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green - Would it really kill you to just stop?

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront - only for very short distance if paved path is completely clogged with lots of really slow people, and not when it's muddy

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - Your lungs, your choice. Keep it away/downwind from me, thanks!
The version I know is tapping a finger against the side of one's head.

Duppie said:

Mark Kenseth said:
if it's the "use your brain" gesture: yes, but only in extreme cases when i know i'm not doing it to be mean. if it's the "hey, you're on your cell phone and it's illegal" gesture: yes, but sometimes it may be misconstrued as the "i like you, give me a call" gesture, and i don't want to date a cell phone driver. if it's the "where'd you get that milkshake?" gesture: :)

I'd like to see these last 4 explained in more detail. For example what does a "use your brain" gesture look like?
"use your brain" gesture: pointing to the head, like Anne said; or with all the fingers, like a salute. that way, if someone gets mad, i say, "i was saluting you." i.e. "you're the boss" (sarcastically)

"hey, you're on your cell phone and it's illegal" gesture: thumb and pinky out up near your cheek, like you're making a phone call. if they get mad, i can say, "can i call you sometime?" (to talk about your bad driving) :)

"where'd you get that milkshake?" gesture: that was a joke, but you could pretend to be sucking from a straw. so far, i've never used this one.

Anne Alt said:
The version I know is tapping a finger against the side of one's head.

Duppie said:

I'd like to see these last 4 explained in more detail. For example what does a "use your brain" gesture look like?
headphones - ON

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder) - IN TRANSIT SOME TIMES OR PULL OVER

talking on cell phone w/headset - NO HEADSET

easing through stop w/no cross traffic - ALWAYS

using clip-in pedals - NEVER, JUST THE STUDDED BMX PEDALS

riding w/no hands - SOMETIMES

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown - SOMETIMES


using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off - EVEN A FRIENDLY WAVE CAUSED A


circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green - SOMETIMES TO SEE THOSE


riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront - HARDLY

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - NEVER, OFF TO THE SIDE AWAY FROM THE WIND.
Tell me who it is that is forcing YOU to do any of these things. If we can't make them stop pressuring you to do these "dangerous things" I'd say we need to call the police and tell them that someone is forcing you to do something you don't want to do.

Or you mean nobody is forcing YOU to do these things but that you just have your undies in a bunch over what OTHER people are doing or your own lack of good sense? I suppose all you can do is bitch about it online with all the other ninny-staters who want to force others to act and think just like them. Get in line with those who want to ban gay marriage and reproductive choice because you believe what these bad people are doing is just WRONG!!!!!

James Baum said:
Tell me who it is that is forcing YOU to do any of these things. If we can't make them stop pressuring you to do these "dangerous things" I'd say we need to call the police and tell them that someone is forcing you to do something you don't want to do.

Or you mean nobody is forcing YOU to do these things but that you just have your undies in a bunch over what OTHER people are doing or your own lack of good sense? I suppose all you can do is bitch about it online with all the other ninny-staters who want to force others to act and think just like them. Get in line with those who want to ban gay marriage and reproductive choice because you believe what these bad people are doing is just WRONG!!!!!
01: headphones - I've done so on quiet, familiar rail trails, but I think it's a bad idea in traffic.

02: talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder) - Pull over, please.

03: talking on cell phone w/headset - "Douche."

04: easing through stop w/no cross traffic - When there's no one around, sure.

05: using clip-in pedals - Indifferent. Looks like a pain in the ass.

06: riding w/no hands - It's a good way to stretch your neck and back or flex sore wrists when there's nothing ahead of or behind you. Riding no-handed down Milwaukee at eight in the morning seems like a bad idea.

07: riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown - I'm in the "When in doubt, take your rightful place in the lane" camp. Another rider keeping the same pace doesn't seem that bad, Chicago statues be damned. Obviously, there's no good blanket answer to this one.

08: tailgating another rider - I've never been fast enough to keep a lead or draft, but tailgaters must sure feel secure in their ability to stop.

09: using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off - Cyclists should go safely and smartly, as should motorists. If one party violates that compact, then by all means, wave, flick and curse away. Use the profane genius of our species to the fullest extent.

10: circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green - "Douche."

11: riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront - Is this the equivalent of riding on the sidewalk? If so, then I'd rather not. Runners choke up the cycling paths all the time, but that excuses #09, not responding in kind. Naturally, one may have no other choice. So it goes.

12. smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - Not a fan of this, though I do love the smell of good pipe smoke.

Checking back in with Chainlink has been an interesting retrospective. Bumping this to see if sentiments have changed over the past 9 years.


headphones - yes

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder) - mostly no

talking on cell phone w/headset - yes

easing through stop w/no cross traffic - yes

using clip-in pedals - yes

riding w/no hands - no

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown - no

tailgating another rider - mostly no

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off - mostly no

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green - no

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront  -sometimes

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - no


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