El Nino may mean a good Winter for bike riding here in the Windy City.

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David, I hope so too, and I hope the Weather Channel is right because I love to cycle year round also. Thanks for your post.

Agreed. My big problem is keeping my hands warm. I think mittens are the best option. I still have yet to find the optimal solution. I'm not too keen on the idea of reusable hand warmers, but that might be an option. I'd probably be more receptive to the idea if the mittens had a pocket for the hand warmers that didn't interfere with my dexterity or break the bank.  I can just feel the warmth being sucked out of my hands when I apply the brakes and that's no fun at all.

These got me through most of last winter: http://www.amazon.com/Memphis-N9690L-Double-Gloves-Fingertips/dp/B0... and then when it gets even colder, I'll layer these gloves with a pair of windproof mittens (I can't find them right now, but they're basically just the windproof shell, not insulated... when I find them, I'll reply again) to keep the wind out and the heat in. The Memphis gloves are cheap, but surprisingly warm and lasted through the winter season last year. 

Now, if there are any recommendations for keeping toes warm, I'm all ears!

Hmmm, the price is right, and free shipping, too. Nice.

I never had much trouble keeping my feet warm. I wear army boots with a woolen sock outer layer and regular socks inside of that. I guess the hard shell toe covering of the boot itself helps a lot to keep the wind out.

We're getting robbed, ROBBED I tell you. We are a hearty bunch of riders. We look at snow and slush and smile (through our balaclavas). Ice beneath 24" of snow? Meh. Strong winds on -5 degree days? Pshaw. 

Time to move to Minneapolis where my efforts are put to the test. 

No fair using Jack Daniel's anti freeze. I have to get to work sober, except maybe on Friday's.

I biked this last February.  I say bring it!  I'm ready. 


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