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Hi- has anyone had issues on either of these three Downtown streets the past few days? We are possibly doing a story on it for DNAinfo.  A cyclist tweeted earlier that all three are torn up at moment and there are few other North-South routes to use Downtown.  Likely I will bike there soon to check it out, but wondering what your experience has been?  If you'd like to be included in the story, email your comments and any pics you took to or comment on this post.

Thanks and happy cycling!

Yes, there was a stretch on Well St the other day. I decided to use Dearborn today, and it was torn up from Kinzie to Wacker. It was only a 1 block stretch for, so it wasn't too bad. It appears that the resurfacing continued north from Kinzie, though.

There's also utility construction affecting Monroe from Dearborn to State and State from Madison to Monroe. It's a big freakin' mess right now, with lane closures, construction equipment and lots of steel plates. Be extra careful out there.

thanks, Anne! you too!

Neighborhood Notice: Dearborn Street Infrastructure Improvements

Source:  Alderman Brian Hopkins –  2nd Ward

Please be aware of an upcoming resurfacing project on Dearborn Street between Chicago Avenue and the Chicago River Bridge.

Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin this week (week of 10-16-17)  and will include ADA sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter removal and replacement, milling, paving, and striping. This work is part of the Chicago Department of Transportation’s Arterial Street Resurfacing Central Area Project.

During construction, temporary “No Parking” signs will be periodically installed as required. These temporary signs will restrict parking during working hours, while adhering to rush hour restrictions, for the completion of the work.  All work on this corridor is scheduled to be completed by December 31st.

If you have any additional question please email, or call the 2nd Ward Service Office at (312) 643-2299.

thank you

I take Dearborn from Kinzie to Randoplph on my way to Millennium Station every morning. I understand that streets need to be resurfaced, but when the asphalt was being milled on Thursday (?) morning and the bike lanes (and all but one of the other lanes) were closed, there was no warning of this for cyclists coming from Kinzie, and I had to take the sidewalk (slowly) over the river. Some warning and detour signs (e.g. take Clark instead) would have been very helpful. By the evening, it was milled down up to about Ontario. It was tolerable to ride north in the evening with extra care, but the lack of lane markings north of Kinzie meant cars were all over the place.

Good summary; I observed the same.

Any information on Wells St? It was clear sailing today, but honestly, the entire stretch from Wacker to Van Buren needs to be resurfaced. The one block stretch from Adams to Jackson is downright dangerous. However, with the renovation of the Quincy L station, any work should be postponed until it's finished.

Sheesh, just discovered the Dearborn PBL is torn up and closed south of Harrison, as well!

Frustrating developments this morning on Dearborn between the river and Kinzie--after striping the PBL area on Friday, the striping is now gone. Drivers were driving in the PBL space this morning as I attempted to navigate south.

In the drivers' defense, absolutely nothing indicates that they should not be using that space right now.

They fixed it as of yesterday evening. Striped again and "blocked" by those sandwich-board-looking things.


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