From this morning, at the always full bike rack (see the second picture) at Monroe and the river, next to Starbucks. 

Don't be That Guy.

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Looks like a rookie lock job. Did you leave this person an info message?

I was in a hurry this am, but I'll try and leave a friendly "hey don't do this" note if it's there over lunch.

I guess that when you're rocking the fabled Roadmaster Granite Peak, you do what you have to do.

Oh my. This person will be lucky if they still have a bike to come back to. 

I'm seeing three (3) u-locks.

ah, didn't see the blue one. Still not a great part of the bike to lock it to but better than just the wheels.

Three U-locks is probably worth more than a Roadmaster Granite Peak bike.

Can you put a price on pedal-powered transportation? ;-)

Yes.  In this case it's $79.97.

Yes, but I'll bet this cyclist has had a previous, or multiple bikes stolen and wants to continue to bike to work and minimize their losses.

That's a noble goal, but you can do that without taking up an entire busy bike rack.

Reminds me of cars that take up two spaces so no one can park near them.


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