A very telling video of a recent Judge Judy episode, in which she comes down hard on the side of an injured cyclist...and awards him $3000 for damages, medical costs, and pain and suffering.

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I would be more impressed with that had she not also once sided with a bike salmon regarding a cyclist on cyclist collision...
Really, where in the video did anyone ever say attacked ? Granted the guy does have some money coming because it was off the leash, but seriously I feel more for the dog that got ran over buy some jerk on an expensive bike. The dog was not wearing a helmet or gloves over his paw. I had may face pounded and was beat half to death by some motor cycle dudes some years back and it was the best thing that ever happened. Running over a dog, come on now, how more stupid can a dog get and how much more unaware is this fool on his bike. I really just can't stop cracking up about this one.
Cause I tend to point out the things that are so obvious yet not many want to hear it ? Exactly who is part of this group, there is usually a list of names associated with tags like 'community'. If it makes it easy I can just consider myself a part of 'bike culture'. I like that ... and my input is important in this community which is chainlink not CCC.
Worked fine for me.

H3N3 said:
Is it playing for anyone else?
I feel so bad for that dog. For one, she got hit by a bicycle. And for another, it seems as though she has the stupidest owners ever. I am glad the cyclists won this case. But again, I do feel very bad for that poor dog.
ok, no more word idiot

H3N3 said:
No, because you seem to think you're doing some sort of service by unfairly characterizing many of the members here as idiots, and it got old a long time ago. If nobody here is good enough for you, you just end up looking pathetic for sticking around.

cutifly said:
Cause I tend to point out the things that are so obvious yet not many want to hear it ? Exactly who is part of this group, there is usually a list of names associated with tags like 'community'. If it makes it easy I can just consider myself a part of 'bike culture'. I like that ... and my input is important in this community which is chainlink not CCC.
What astonished me was the the dog's mom had no concept of the rule of right away. She actually argued that if she was backing out of her driveway and the bicyclist hit her he would be at fault.
WRONG! You must wait till on coming traffic is clear before backing safely into a busy street... I also loved her argument that he was at fault cause he was 35 miles from home and was riding fast on a busy road...
I know Arizona is not very popular right now, but one thing they do right is they install 4' wide shoulders for bicyclist...

Clark said:
Chuck a Muck said:
... I also loved her argument that he was at fault cause he was 35 miles from home and was riding fast on a busy road...

And further, she tried to claim that Minnesota has 2500 miles of bike paths...and he should have been riding one of them, because "biking on the roads is DANGEROUS!" That's a common sentiment I'm afraid, among the non-biking public.

That's why I have mixed feelings about constructing more bike paths. IMO that money would much better be spent adding and maintaining 12" - 18" of additional road width so that cars, cyclists (and dogs) would have plenty of room to avoid each other.


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