Does separation of Lakefront Trail put Chicago on the right path?

Mayor Rahm Emanuel recently announced plans to create distinct lanes on the Lakefront Trail — one for cyclists and one for people on foot. Segments of the trail that would be widened to create the separation would run from Fullerton Parkway to Ohio Street on the North Side and from 31st to 51st streets on the South Side. Emanuel talked about his plan for the trail's separation in a speech Tuesday.

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Whether it is possible or economically feasible I will leave to better minds. In the abstract I think it is clear that is a good idea to separate pedestrians and cyclists.  Just as much as car v. bike can be dangerous for a cyclist bike v. pedestrian can be dangerous for the person afoot. The positive about the current set up is that is forces cyclists to be mindful that this is a low mph area. To the extent that lots of riders forget that it is safer to separate.  To the extent the lakefront  is used as a highway for bikes that are commuting to get from point A to point B while others are enjoying the sites, less people will be hurt.  Is it good policy given space, money,  aesthetics?  I do not know.

Just to connect the dots, we have another thread with the topic of splitting the bike lanes:

I'm really happy about this proposal (plan?) and hope it happens. I think if it is enforced, it could make people a lot safer. 

A friend of mine said it pretty well.

How about we turn Lake Shore Drive over to bicyclists and high occupancy vehicles year 'round. On the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, we'll allow other passenger vehicles to use the outer drive exclusively for their own benefit between 5:00 am and noon with the payment of a $46.00 registration fee.

We can call it "Drive the Drive." I'll run the idea by my buddy John Kass and see what he  says.


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