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Yay!  I'll be able to ride from my Evanston apartment, dock surfing eventually down to 63rd Street (if my legs don't fail me).

You will have  to check the map. Evanston may be an island. You have to be able to get from the southernmost Evanston station to a city outpost within 30 minutes. Currently, Divvy only goes as far as Sheffield and  Addison. That would be a pretty good stretch in 30 minutes on a Divvy cruiser. It looks like there is a planned station at Sheridan and Loyola and that should be ok. 

Yay!  I'll be able to ride from my Evanston apartment, dock surfing eventually down to 63rd Street (if my legs don't fail me).

Divvy should have hour options as well as the 30min standard. I've heard that in NYC some stations allow this for longer rides.

But if the bikes were stolen wouldn't the rider still be liable?

h' 1.0 said:

Hmmmm..... dunno..... people might start to be tempted to keep the bike for their whole trip somewhere and back, which would result in bikes being left temporarily in places other than securely in the docks... which is obviously not good.

Davo said:

Divvy should have hour options as well as the 30min standard. I've heard that in NYC some stations allow this for longer rides.

Citibike in NY gives a longer 45 min ride to people who buy the annual pass.  I was disappointed they didn't extend the same bonus in the Chicago rollout.

Davo said:

Divvy should have hour options as well as the 30min standard. I've heard that in NYC some stations allow this for longer rides.

My understanding is that the reason for 45 min time windows in NYC (longer than other systems) is all the bridges in NYC, which are not short and take some time to cross.

Jamais716 said:

Citibike in NY gives a longer 45 min ride to people who buy the annual pass.  I was disappointed they didn't extend the same bonus in the Chicago rollout.

Davo said:

Divvy should have hour options as well as the 30min standard. I've heard that in NYC some stations allow this for longer rides.

In Nashville they get an hour.  I plan to be there in September for a few days and was looking into local bike options.  Not many stations but $5/day and an hour before you have to check the bike in.  Not bad.

h' 1.0 said:

Helpful, thanks. As far as I know all other cities with Bike Shares do 30.


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