Chicago is #6 on the list of cities fastest growing bike cities. Detroit is #1.

Detroit has added over 170 miles of bike lanes since 2006.

"Bike commuting grew over 400% in Detroit from 2000 to 2014, according to a new report the American League of Bicyclists, which pulled from census data. The city doesn't have as many new bike lanes as some cities (Tucson, for example, has over 600 miles of lanes). But culture might be pushing some of the growth, like Slow Roll Detroit, a weekly bike ride that can pull in more than 4,000 riders at a time."

Chicago is 6th on the list of fastest growing bike cities. Photo by Ronit Bezalel.

Cities experiencing the biggest cyclist growth:

  1. Detroit
  2. Pittsburgh, PA
  3. Cincinnati, OH 
  4. Portland, OR
  5. St. Louis, MO
  6. Chicago, IL
  7. Cleveland, OH
  8. Washington, DC 
  9. Milwaukee, WI 
  10. Oakland, CA

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The change in the cycling culture in Detroit is remarkable. I lived there from 1998 to 2008, when I moved here. When I left, regular cyclists in the city were few enough that I was still likely to know or recognize most of the other people that I saw on bikes. There were 5 miles of bike lanes in the city, and 4.5 of those were on Belle Isle, the other half-mile on Atwater.!

Well with 6-8 lane roads in the city, 700,000 people in a city built for 2 million a crappy economy,and nearly worthless mass transit atleast you can ride to Eastern Market.


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