Deadspin: Can You Ride A Bike In The City Without Being An A*@hole? (No.)

Fun little article on Deadspin today:

I read it for entertainment value, but this made me think -- "I found that bicycling is more fun when your purpose is to see things, rather than to exercise. The bike becomes what it should be: a means, rather than an end."

There are also a few Chicago-centric comments at the end of the article

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Well, not everyone knows what on your left means or even that it's a warning.  Add in cultural differences and people may understand the intent and tone of the phrase in totally different ways.

Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

Apparently warning people that you're coming up from behind them is rude in this crazy topsy-turvy world, Why Not. 

S said:

Well, not everyone knows what on your left means or even that it's a warning.

One thing I've noticed is that people who pass me and call out "on your left" are often right beside me when they speak. Well, yeah, you're on my left. I can see you. :-)

"on your left" is just a series of words. The intent can be read from the tone of voice. When its barked out it really means "move the fuck over" and is not terribly friendly. When it is said in a less threatening manner is is interpreted as a polite warning. I will often sing "on your left" to demonstrate a less aggressive intent.

David Barish said:

I will often sing "on your left" to demonstrate a less aggressive intent.

To what tune? :-)

I was rear ended by a roadie who thought saying 'on your left' means I'm supposed to crash into the back of a jogger.  Just never assume you have right of way when you're behind someone.

I think the vehicle in front always has the right of way and the overtaking vehicle must avoid collisions.  That's the case on the water with boats/ships and I suspect it's also the case on the road. 

Tricolor said:

I was rear ended by a roadie who thought saying 'on your left' means I'm supposed to crash into the back of a jogger.  Just never assume you have right of way when you're behind someone.


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