Day Two of Bike Love from the Tribune. Article About Seniors Becoming Bicyclists. Yay Bikes!

"More Chicago seniors embrace health, transportation benefits of biking"

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Great article by Jasper Craven. Are you sure this is the Chicago Tribune? Whatever happened to our 'friend', John 'watsits' name?

Power to the 'mature' cyclist ! I wish more mature Chicagoans would give cycling a chance. Especially of the female persuasion.(Get out of your cars ladies, and try cycling). It is a healthy and rehabilitative activity for anyone over 40 or more. It clears the mind, helps you with equilibrium and blood sugar/pressure conditions and hopefully extending lifespan, etc. . . and it's plain fun too ! (Most of the time)!

I'm almost afraid to say it out of fear of jinxing the "no hitter" but I'm super happy to see the Chicago Tribune publishing pro-cyclist articles. This riding-your-bike thing may just catch on. ;-)

I think the Critical Mass people are doing all of us a disservice. They succeed in raising ire against cyclists within the community that we are trying win over. I don't get it.

Critical Mass is just a bike ride.  Nothing more.  Would you like to see all bike rides stopped?

I disagree. I've seen firsthand, aggressive, in your face behavior toward motorists from some of these riders. I understand that sometimes to make a point, it's necessary to go over the top but antagonizing people is counter productive.

This article sums it up pretty well.

Critical Mass far, far pales in comparison to the "damage" done to public perception by scofflaw bicyclists who weave in and out of traffic or blow through stop signs and red lights and force cars to slam on their brakes. 

When I do jury selection or a focus group on a bike case these are the criticisms I hear. I've never heard one person in these settings even mention Critical Mass. I think that CM is pretty well accepted and understood by now. It's a semi-sanctioned city event with its own police detail. 

Let's do a Kickstarter project to purchase a nice cruiser bike for our friend John who's last name cannot be said. Once done, maybe we can get the Trib to write an article commending our generosity and foresightedness with a picture of John smiling as he takes his first ride on his shiny new cruiser. 

"John, you look a lot younger on that bike."

"John, have you lost some weight?"

I've repeatedly offered via email and Twitter to take him to a Sox game (he is a huge fan, as am I) on me and enjoy the game and talk bikes. He's never responded. 


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