I don't have much information other than what's in the story:


Thursday, someone who knows the rider posted on a local FB page that he was still in ICU.

This happened 2 blocks from us and we go through that intersection virtually every day whether driving, walking, or biking. In fact, my daughter and I passed through there on our tandem shortly before this happened.  It is one of my least favorite intersections to ride or walk through. The City of Berwyn installed a red light camera there due to the high number of accidents, but it only monitors 26th street, not East Avenue.

Thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery


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Cool, thanks. Not too far for some sort of visit IMO.

Any communication about the 'item' for the room?

No, not too far, especially if we supplement a ride with the Metra BNSF line. (RML is 1.5 miles from a stop.)

Can we get a group roll call of everyone interested? 

I just reached out to Kim about what she thinks of this idea, and if she has any ideas for something we could get for his room, so I'll report back when I hear from her.

h' 1.0 said:

Cool, thanks. Not too far for some sort of visit IMO.

Any communication about the 'item' for the room?

Me. Sundays best. Strong preference for Sunday afternoon, as late as feasible.

Sunday afternoon.

weekends depending on what is scheduled.  Late morning early pm preferred but I will try to work around an advance posted date n' time.

Weekends. Sundays are better than Saturdays for me.

My co-worker says he's definitely in for any Sunday, and will ask his Berwyn friends if they might be interested, too.

I work 7 days a week most weeks, but can try to get coverage for a Sunday if that's best for everyone...as long as we plan ahead..

Sundays work best for me too.

Response from Kim: 

That's such a nice idea! Saturday and Sunday early afternoons are good. Keep in mind that Justin may not be at RML for more than 2 more weeks. After that he would move to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago downtown.

I'm not sure about what he would need for his room. I'll think about it and let you know.

RIC downtown is likely to be an easier destination for most on this board.  However, there are nice routes to ride to Hinsdale.

RIC is a big tall building.  A group would probably not be able to go up to see him and it is not likely he would be able to see anyone even if he had a window.

Depending on the date, I am likely to be available, and could meet up with Berwyn folks.  Sundays are good.


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