I saw a cyclist in a high vis jacket detained by a non-uniformed CPD officer on the corner of Milwaukee and Elston at approximatly 5:45 tonight. I couldn't tell it was a cop at first so I asked if everything was alright and the cop told me to keep it moving. I overheard the officer joking with the cyclist and saying that he could call a "street lawyer" if he wanted...

This happened on a pretty busy intersection, anyone see anything go down?

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South end or north end of the knife? I went through the south intersection right around that time (it must have been just beforehand) and didn't see anything untoward.

The cyclist in handcuffs was me.

A private security vehicle, with an off-duty CPD officer,  was parked in the N-bound bikelane, south of the Elston fork.  The cyclist in front of me had difficulty getting around him due to the cars in the right-turn lane, so as I attempted to get by, the only "safe" option was to fold his mirror.  Let me clarify - I did not punch, knock, smash or move it with brute force.  I folded it so that I, and others, could safely pass.

He took exception to me touching the car, moved toward the intersection, proceeded to cuff me and detain me for "Criminal Damage to Property".  He called it in and we waited approximately 30 minutes for supporting officers to arrive, none of whom did before he uncuffed me and asked me to get on my way.  There was no damage to his car whatsoever.

The "street lawyer" that he was referring to was another cyclist behind me that stopped as support.  This gentleman documented the scene and offered some advice, for which I'm appreciative, but the off-duty officer was not.

Oh man which company?  FILE ALL THE COMPLAINTS.

Given that he detained you, it seems you ought to also complain to the local police district.

I'm sorry that happened to you Bootsy. Fascist rent-a-cops-real-cops-in-disguise are the worst.


So security companies can park in bike lanes, too?  Then again someone having to work two jobs is probably kind of stressed out to begin with.

Moved toward the intersection how? On foot, in the car? Where were you that he could reach you so easily/quickly?

BootsyC said:

He took exception to me touching the car, moved toward the intersection, proceeded to cuff me and detain me for "Criminal Damage to Property".  

A lot of police have side jobs doing security detail, be it as club bouncers, security guards, etc.  It has always seemed like a recipe for disaster, as I don't think cops are really ever totally "off duty," at least not mentally.  Compounding the problem is when push comes to shove, cops pretty much always side with their colleagues, regardless of whether they are technically on the clock or not.

Tricolor said:

So security companies can park in bike lanes, too?  Then again someone having to work two jobs is probably kind of stressed out to begin with.

I would seek legal advice as fast as possible. This seems like a horrible situation you went through and you deserve compensation.

In the car, he abruptly left the curb and proceeded to block the intersection in front of the stopped cyclists at the light.  I was stopped at the light waiting to turn right onto Elston.

Steven Vance said:

Moved toward the intersection how? On foot, in the car? Where were you that he could reach you so easily/quickly?

BootsyC said:

He took exception to me touching the car, moved toward the intersection, proceeded to cuff me and detain me for "Criminal Damage to Property".  

I would also like to encourage you to fight this to the greatest extent possible.

+1. Wow. 

Christine (5.0) said:

Oh man which company?  FILE ALL THE COMPLAINTS.


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