Cyclist doored, struck has fractured skull and 23 broken ribs but is OK; hit-and-run driver still at large

It was a perfect storm of factors that are all too common when Chicago bicyclists are injured or killed by cars. Dustin Valenta, 27, a delivery biker, yoga teacher and actor was commuting in Wicker Park when a driver opened her door on him, throwing him into traffic. As he lay in the road, another motorist stuck him and then fled the scene.

Valenta suffered a fractured skull, broken pelvis, 23 cracked ribs and a punctured lung but he miraculously survived and is currently alert and in good spirits. The question remains: why would a driver who accidentally struck someone already lying in the road not stop to give aid? Valenta's family is currently working to bring the hit-and-run motorist to justice:

Friends have set up donation sites to help cover medical expenses for Valenta, who is uninsured, at Go Fund Me and Give Forward. Cut Cats Courier and Johnny Sprockets bike shop are organizing a benefit event for late February or early March, probably at Bangers and Lace tavern.

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At least for now, it is useful to know that the fund has not yet reached the $10K goal. Thanks for bumping this thread, it reminded me that I had been waiting to make a donation. Contribution made.

I think at a minimum we can use the thread to provide him and his family with further encouragement.

I really did not intend to offend.  Whether Dustin and Mike are successful with any claim in the future is frankly none of our business. That is up to them. However, it is certainly a possibility. If we care about Dustin we should not do anything that would harm his position or be disadvantageous for him.  Or, to put it another way, we can simply respect his privacy when it comes to public discussions of his health.

I suspect the possibility of reducing a horrible injury to monetary compensation may have had some impact in raising your bile. I understand. However, that is a reality and is frankly a much more  humane "pound of flesh" when seeking to redress the actions of another.  Money is crass but will do more for an injured person than watching somebody rot in jail.  What we cannot do is roll back the clock and make this event have  never happened. I wish we could.

Apie 10.64 said:

David, that post rubbed me the wrong way...  So we should not speak of his recovery so he could get more $$?  The thought of why you posted that makes me want to puke.


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