I heard on the news this morning that there was a hit and run crash involving a cyclist near 1400 N. Milwaukee.

Last I heard - an ambulance had been called and the motorist had sped off.

Anyone have any updates?

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I ride this stretch every workday and remember that morning, a couple hours before Dustin's accident, noticing drivers seeming extra reckless. One threw a door out in front of me too. I love urban riding and usually take the perils in stride, but I remember feeling scared that morning and relieved to get to the wider portion of the street. 

Later that morning, before I even heard about this horror, I was wondering if it might help to have a group of cyclists go out and talk to drivers at their cars after watching whether they look for bikes. Just a thought, and I just looked up the dooring threads and will try to help out with our current campaigns.

Look up the LOOK campaign... there's a LOOK group here on Chainlink - specifically formed to address the issues of dooring and reach out to motorists and cyclists about the perils of dooring and the door zone.

CZ 8.0 said:

I ride this stretch every workday and remember that morning, a couple hours before Dustin's accident, noticing drivers seeming extra reckless. One threw a door out in front of me too. I love urban riding and usually take the perils in stride, but I remember feeling scared that morning and relieved to get to the wider portion of the street. 

Later that morning, before I even heard about this horror, I was wondering if it might help to have a group of cyclists go out and talk to drivers at their cars after watching whether they look for bikes. Just a thought, and I just looked up the dooring threads and will try to help out with our current campaigns.

Yeah, I found it. Thanks.

That intersection (Milwaukee and Wood/Wolcott) also has terrible visibility with regard to traffic lights.  Heading southeast on Milwaukee the traffic signal on the south side of the intersection is short and usually blocked by cargo vans unloading at the 711. The traffic signal on the east side of the intersection is similarly short and set back from the intersection. I could understand how an inattentive motorist could blow right through that light. Also, just about every other intersection down Milwaukee has overhanging traffic lights. The city should  certainly fix the lighting situation, put a stop sign at the earlier intersection of Honore St., or both. 

The entire intersection was supposed to be redone last year.  I think it's been pushed back to this spring? Hopefully not any later than that.  

I see someone blow the light at least once/week, and honestly, I think they just don't see it.  

I saw that same accident on Milwaukee & Division.  Haven't heard anything about it either.
Mike Weez said:

There may have been one on division and milwaukee at 6pm ish.  I rode by there were fire trucks all about.  When I rode by I saw a late model suv with a bike underneath it with an ambulance near by.  Hopefully everything is ok!!!

Steve Vance wrote about that planned intersection reconfiguration last year.

122782_ said:

The entire intersection was supposed to be redone last year.  I think it's been pushed back to this spring? Hopefully not any later than that.  

I see someone blow the light at least once/week, and honestly, I think they just don't see it.  

I've been retained by the cyclist to represent him in this crash. The crash occurred on Friday, February 8, 2013 at 11:40 a.m. The precise address is 1443 North Milwaukee. The cyclist was first doored by one motorist and then apparently struck by a second motorist. The second motorist then fled the scene.

We do know who caused the dooring. Regardless of what the police do or don't do with regards to this case, however, I am going to fully investigate the crash and do everything that can be done for the cyclist and his family to pursue justice. To this end I (and the cyclist) would appreciate any and all assistance.

IF ANYONE KNOWS ANYTHING AT ALL, NO MATTER HOW SEEMINGLY INSIGNIFICANT, PLEASE CONTACT ME or the CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT. Also, if anyone works (or know someone that works) in any of the stores/shops in the area of 1443 North Milwaukee, I'd appreciate a few minutes of your time. Thanks. 

Mike Keating


My neighbor works during the day at the barbershop at 1409.  I'll ask him tonight/tomorrow.

I am always in awe of Dustin's strength as a yogi, if it means anything, I believe his regular practice also helped him sustain such trauma. I am certain he will make a good recovery.

Sending good thoughts/energies/etc. to this cyclist. Heartbreaking. 

CZ - this is a GREAT idea. What can we do to get this started? I've thought about preparing some informative flyers for parked cars, too. Education is important. 

CZ 8.0 said:

Later that morning, before I even heard about this horror, I was wondering if it might help to have a group of cyclists go out and talk to drivers at their cars after watching whether they look for bikes. Just a thought, and I just looked up the dooring threads and will try to help out with our current campaigns.

Thanks. I canvassed the neighborhood businesses yesterday, but would appreciate any/all feedback from anyone who saw anything. Even if what was witnessed too place after the collisions occurred, it could be beneficial. Thanks again.

122782_ said:

My neighbor works during the day at the barbershop at 1409.  I'll ask him tonight/tomorrow.


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