Coronavirus put more cyclists on downstate Illinois trails

BELLEVILLE, Ill. — Stores haven’t faced this serious of a bike shortage since a 1970s boom driven by evironmental concerns, and metro-east trails are busier than ever.

Bicycle sales soared in March of this year, when the coronavirus closed gyms, restaurants, movie theaters, hair salons and other businesses. State officials designated bike shops as “essential” parts of the transportation industry and allowed them to stay open.

“(Biking is) a way to keep active, and a lot of folks have had this newfound time on their hands,” said Jon Greenstreet, co-owner of a O’Fallon bike shop.

Many big-box stores have been sold out of bicycles since April because they only carry lower-priced basic models that are popular with newcomers, Greenstreet said. One supplier told him that his inventory for the whole year was depleted in a week.

Bicycles still on sales floors at bike shops tend to be electric or high-end road and mountain bikes that cost $1,500 to $3,000. Other models are trickling in a few at a time.

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Used bikes are still available.  It's not that every model and size is available, but, there's still stock out there to some extent:


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