Commercial Drivers in London Attend One-Day Cyclist Training

More than 1,500 drivers of vans and lorries in London have been put through a day of training to make them more aware of how cyclists on the roads feel.

The Travis Perkins employees were given a full day of safety education, which comprised classroom training followed by three and a half hours riding a bike on the road.

1,650 members of staff have been enrolled on the Safe Urban Driving (SUD) course.

Jeff Morris, 63, who drives a 32-tonne lorry, told the Evening Standard(link is external): “I was sceptical about the training. However when I did it I was surprised. Cycling with a truck beside you is genuinely scary. I am glad I got to see that for myself and can now play a role in making the streets of London safer for cyclists.”

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Ron Searle, the firm’s head of group transport risk and compliance, said the move was part of Travis Perkins’ commitment to road safety.

He said: “The aim of the training is to put drivers in the shoes of cyclists and make them aware of how frightening it is to cycle next to a lorry. It has been hugely successful and we are delighted to make a long-term commitment that puts this at the heart of our training programme for drivers.

“What has been fascinating is that most drivers are initially reluctant to get on a bike. However, when they do it they are vocally supportive, highlighting how useful the exercise was and just how scary heavy goods vehicles can be when on a bike in the drivers’ blind spots.”

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Excellent idea! It should be required here.


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