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the comment section is just as interesting as the article.
I want a pony
Assuming this is a sarcastic post?
yeah, the comments quite interesting and controversial!
Sub par food and service and she will have the Handlebar's experience down pat!
Don't forget the lack of meat.

Chuck a Muck said:
Sub par food and service and she will have the Handlebar's experience down pat!
I really don't think so Howard. There are a lot of places here on the south side that do not get my money due to crappy service or food or both. Just because it's in the north side does not mean I hate it. There are a lot places on the north side that get my money cause they are awesome, but Handle Bar is not one of them...

H3N3 said:
Admit it-- if "our" Handlebar were at 37th and Halsted you would be singing its praises as the most amazing hidden gem in the whole city, and you'd have your own personal bar stool there :-)

Chuck a Muck said:
Sub par food and service and she will have the Handlebar's experience down pat!
that would be "bizarro's handlebar" on 37th... with a menu that would please meat-eatin ryan.
i'm so tired of gimmick bars, with the big on-set for the yuppies and now for the upper-mobile creepsters. more support is needed for the bars that just want to be a bar -- "you want a theme, go to a park" kinda bar.

H3N3 said:
Admit it-- if "our" Handlebar were at 37th and Halsted you would be singing its praises as the most amazing hidden gem on the continent, and you'd have your own personal bar stool there :-)

Chuck a Muck said:
Sub par food and service and she will have the Handlebar's experience down pat!
So this was the guy hollering "I want a pony!" at the last Critical Mass?

carl harris said:
I want a pony
I think we Chicagoans are pretty good at supporting bars that just wanna be bars. And bars of all other kinds.

thang van ung said:
that would be "bizarro's handlebar" on 37th... with a menu that would please meat-eatin ryan.
i'm so tired of gimmick bars, with the big on-set for the yuppies and now for the upper-mobile creepsters. more support is needed for the bars that just want to be a bar -- "you want a theme, go to a park" kinda bar.
I'm sure the late, great Dr. Dan Kliman, a central figure in the early days of
Chicago Critical Mass who later moved to St. Louis and helped start a Mass there,
would be very proud to hear about the HandleBar, and to know that the St. Louis
bike scene has come so far as to be able to support such an endeavor.


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