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Of course, this writeup is deceptively worded. Around 1 in 5 of the drivers were observed using a phone. But presumably not everyone who uses a phone while driving does so 100% of the time. So while it's probably accurate to say that approximately 20% of Chicago drivers are on their phone at any one time, the percentage of Chicago drivers who sometimes use their phone while driving is surely much higher.

"...he often sees even police officers driving while talking on cellphones."

Looks like we'll be able to enjoy the top spot for some time to come...

Chicago drivers top the state?  I'll bet there are more Chicago drivers on the phone than the total population of any other city in the state.  Not much of a surprise.

"The average city fine is $100 and, since 2008, the violation, like a parking ticket, has not counted against a driver's record. In 2005 through 2007, violations of Chicago's hands-free cellphone law were treated as moving violations and cases were handled in Cook County Circuit Court."

Strange- seems to me it's still a moving violation. Why shouldn't it count on your driving record anymore?

I've always assumed that it's teenagers that are on the phones. But the few bike trips I've made I usually see middle aged women with the phone glued to their ears. I did see a cop in one of the huge SUV's on the phone but maybe it's work related?

This just confirms what I see on the road everyday even with the police.

Funny how some of these cars have front and or rear damage to the bumpers.


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