Checking out for a while by bike: Where would you bike? What would you bring?

If you could go on the ultimate bike trip, where would you ride? What would you bring with you? For Jasmine, it is her violin and her dog.

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In 2012 I biked from DC to Boston...part of the route was the "East Coast Greenway," the ambition of which was to eventually have an off-road bike route from Maine to Florida. If they complete it someday I would love to ride the whole thing. :)

That is a really inspiring story!

It really is. I love that she brought her essentials - pup and violin. Definitely has her priorities straight. 

If we are  talking pure  fantasy...drop off the grid.  I would  leave the phone at  home and  have enough  cash in the  wallet to deal. there would be four full panniers and  camping gear.  An Amtrak train would  take  me somewhere and I would start riding. If I  eventually saw  an ocean in front of me I would turn  around.

I love it! One question - would you dip your toes in the ocean before you turn around? Seems a hard one to resist having travelled all that way. 

Yeah,  I may even  lay the bike on  the beach and  wade for a while. I'll let  you know if the fantasy ever gets me to the Atlantic.

I'm happy with the occasional trip to Milwaukee... just need to find some time to do it and be able to chill in Milwaukee without having to rush back.

You could always make an overnight or weekend of it and have a night or two at a hotel. :-)

I dream about biking to our cottage near Baraboo. Google calls it 218 miles. I'd probably budget four days due to all the hills north of the border, but see if I could do it in three.

I'd bring some audiobooks for the boring bits 'twixt here and the Cheddar Curtain, a good camera and a willingness to chat with the folks I meet along the way.

Homeward bound, maybe head due east to Milwaukee for dinner at Karl Ratzch's, then Amtrak back.


Sounds lovely. 

Didn't Karl Ratzch's close?  Suppose you could go to Mader's.

Just be sure you can load your bicycle there.  Or ride Amtrak from Chicago and ride back.  Cairo, Memphis, New Orleans, etc.


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